Chapter 10

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__2__'s POV:

You wake up from screaming in the room next door and shoot up when your muddled mind registers it as (f/n). without a second thought, you run over to your bedroom door and swing it open, before rushing towards the kitchen, where you believed you had heard the scream coming from.

Once you enter, you skid to a halt and look wide eyed at the monstrous man holding I knife aimed at the blonde's abdomen. The man you suspect is none other than Jeff the killer chuckles softly when he sees you staring.

"Hi there, __2__! How nice to finally meet you!" he says in a voice you vaguely recognize from the phone call you shared with him four nights ago.
"My name's Jeff."

"Where's my sister, you fucking asshole?!" you growl at him, walking over to where he and (f/n) are standing.

"Not telling, and if you keep moving those nice legs of yours, I'll paint your friend red," he growled back, holding the knife closer and making the blonde whimper in fear.
"That's your favorite color, isn't it?" he asked (f/n) motioning at her red pajama pants.

Instead of answering, the girl just closed her eyes and whimpered again. You felt really bad for her, but there was nothing you could do but watch her shake in fear in the deranged killer's grasp.

"I was here to give you another hint, so here you go!" when he said that, he pushed the blond girl roughly in your arms and set a step back towards the open window.
"Feed me and I live, give me a drink and I die."

You barely heard him speak over the loud sobbing of your friend, but it was enough to lock the riddle in your mind so you could ponder over it later. Right now, you had a friend to calm down. You looked back up to find Liu standing next to the window instead of his brother.

"Since when are you here?" you asked him suspiciously.

"I've been here the entire night," Liu answered shrugging before closing the window and curtains.

"W-why, di-didn't y-you stop-p him?" (f/n) asked shakily.

"We're here for saving the other chick," Sully told you two, glaring down with shiny green orbs.

(f/n)'s breathing stocked and she shuffled closer to you as if that would keep her safe.

"I'm sure he wouldn't have let him kill you," you murmured softly, rubbing the blonde's back.

"I'm not your damn bodyguard!" Sully growled.

"Does Liu think the same way?" you asked him angrily.

"Partially," the brunette mumbled while grabbing a bottle of water for (f/n).
"But right now, any reason to kill Jeff is good enough for me."

"Then why haven't you already?" you asked him confused.

Liu blinked at you and shrugged.

"Because you told me not to."

__1__'s POV:

A door upstairs closed with a loud bang, making you jump just slightly. You paused your game and stared at the metal door that locked you in this prison, trying to listen for footsteps. When after five minutes there was still nothing, you just shrugged and continued playing.

Right now, you were guessing that you were playing non-stop for around 10 hours already, but you were at the end of Bioshock and you refused to go to sleep before you beat it. But while you continued playing, you couldn't help but let your mind wander to Jeff. Did something go wrong? Was that why he was angry right now?

Again you paused the game and listened to Jeff grumbling and pacing upstairs. It made you wonder if his bad mood had anything to do with your sister or if it was something entirely different.

Another 15 minutes later, you finished the entire game. And you set to just watch the end scene, not even noticing when the door creaked open and Jeff walked in.

"You already finished it?" he asked you casually.

You looked over your shoulder while the killer walked up to you and came to sit next to you on the bed. Without saying anything, you just nodded and focused your eyes back on the screen.

"That's pretty fast," the smiling man commented.

"Thanks," you mumbled in reply.

While you two continued watching, you were trying to figure out what you should do now to keep yourself from getting bored. You glanced at the other games lying next to the console. There were only three: Biochock, which you just finished, Battlefield 4, that could be fun for a while, but never very long in your opinion, and some car racing game. You didn't really like those.

Once the screen showed the credits, Jeff stood up and changed the game to battlefield. He grabbed the second controller and went to sit next to you again.

You two continue to play for a while until you died a fifth time and it just didn't seem as much fun anymore. You groaned loudly and dropped on your back, letting the controller slip from your grasp and onto the floor.

"What now?" Jeff asked you sighing.

"I just realized I'll be bored from now on," you tell him.

"Don't like the other games?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Battlefield is fun when you play too, and the only race game I play is Sonic the Hedgehog or Mario Cart," you reply coolly.

"Ugh, fine!" the killer grumbled, ejecting the game from the console before taking the Xbox back upstairs.

You wonder what he's up to when he returns with an old N64 and some Legend of Zelda and Mario games. Your eyes lit up, not having seen one of those since you were a kid and went over to your cousin's house.

"I thought I had a copy of Sonic.exe too, but I can't find it anywhere," Jeff tells you while he installs the new console and hands you a controller after putting in Mario Cart.
"So we'll have to do it with these."

Jeff x Twins! Reader x LiuWhere stories live. Discover now