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__1__'s POV:

You were playing LoZ: Majora's Mask, which was a little glitchy but nothing bad, when you heard someone messing with the lock of the door. It didn't stop you from playing though, you just guessed that Jeff must have dropped the keys and was fumbling with them or something.

You didn't even look up when the door swung open and you heard quick footsteps rushing your way. Frowning, you started smashing the buttons a little harder, blatantly ignoring the approaching killer. Yes, you were still angry at Jeff and you weren't exactly planning on forgiving him anytime soon.


Your eyes widened and you dropped the controller when you heard the voice of your sister. Quickly, you turned around just in time to see your twin's face before she enveloped you in a big hug.

"I was so scared I'd never see you again," she whispered in a rough voice filled with emotions.

"Same here, sis," you mumbled back, squeezing your sister just a little harder.

The two of you let go of each other and your sister's cool hands slid over your cheeks while she took in your appearance. You smiled weakly at the one person you adored the most in the world and a rare smile split your mirror's face.

"Let's get out of here," __2__ told you, before grabbing a small key chain from her pocket and unlocking your cuffs.

Your eyes widened just the slightest when you recognized the little Slenderman plushy Jeff always carried with him attached to the few keys in your sister's hand. You didn't want to think about it, but the killer's words ran through your head again. Did __2__ really... kill him?

"Jeff," you murmured softly, without even meaning to.

Your sister glanced at you and gave you a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, I brought someone who was eager to see that bastard again," she told you, chuckling in dark amusement.
"Now hold onto me so I can get you out."

The words of your sister didn't really ease your worries, more like the opposite, but you still nodded and let her help you on your good foot. She held onto you the entire trip through the hallway and up a flight of stairs. After opening an old looking wooden door, you suddenly stood in a big room that once seemed to be used as some kind of factory or something. Though it clearly burned down sometime in the past.

The two of you heard struggling just outside what you believed was the back door to this place. Giving your sister a questioning look, you held on closer while she led you that way.

Before you reached the door, she gave you a serious look and motioned for you to be quiet. You nodded quickly and watched while she opened the door to show you the trees and leaf covered ground of a forest.

You were just in time to see a brown haired boy with several scars and stiches on his face throw Jeff to the ground. You gasp and dart forward when you see the strange man raise his knife.

A sharp pain shot up your injured leg when you stood on it and you shouted in pain, however, it didn't stop you from moving further forward and throw your body over that of the black haired male lying on the ground. To add to your bad day already, your knee landed right on Jeff's knife.

"__1__!" your sister screamed your name in shock.

You looked up to find the strange man hovering over you, glaring down at you and the murderer who's life you are trying to safe. For a second, you thought he might back off, but he just lifted his knife again, ready to plunge it between your shoulder blades.

Jeff x Twins! Reader x LiuWhere stories live. Discover now