Chapter 19

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   Hola! This is just a filler chapter that I just had to post! Sorry it's rediqulously short, but it had to happen. 

BTW, please check out my new story! It's not fan fiction, but I hope you'll like it anyway! It's called Saving Jack and Quora, so please read!

Anywho, Enjoy!            

                Almost immediately after break ended, Oliver started working us harder than ever. It was so cold, Alicia and I had to go to the infirmary to take a warming potion because we couldn’t regain the feeling in our hands. It was all in preparation for our huge match with Slytherin.

                During one of the practices, Fred and George were dive bombing each other, pretending to fall off their brooms. Oliver just about lost it.

                “Will you two just stop it! That’s the kind of thing that’ll lose us the match! Snape’s refereeing and he’ll use any excuse to knock points off Gryffindor!”

                Fred actually did fall off his broom when he said that, and George and I fell off from laughing so hard at him.

                We were all spitting mud out of our mouths when Fred asked, “When has Snape ever refereed Quidditch? He’s never going to be fair if we start beating Slytherin!”

                I nodded in agreement. “I absolutely abhor Snape.”

                Sadly, the next voice I heard drawled so much it was annoying. “That’ll be detention for you, Ms. Potter, and be lucky I’m letting you play in the match Saturday.” He smirked at me and walked away.

                I turned to the others. “How the bloody hell does he do that. Any time I say something bad about him, he’s always right behind me.”

                Oliver shrugged. “Whatever you do, refrain yourself from saying anything bad about him, at least until after the match.”

                I sighed. “I’ll try my hardest.”

                I spelled the mud off me and Fred, and when George protested I said just laughed and flew away on my broom.

                Fred flew up next to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and then gave me a puppy dog face. “Please get the mud of ickle-Georgie? He doesn’t like being dirty and can’t clean himself.”

                I laughed and did the spell. “Better thank Fred for sucking up to me, George.” He stuck his tongue out at me.  

                Finally practice ended, and the Twins and I headed back up to the common room, but on our way there I noticed Neville bunny-hopping back up to the Common Room.

                “I’ll meet you guys up in the Common Room. I’ve got something I need to take care of.” Fred kissed me and he and George left. I walked over to Neville. “You okay Neville?”

                He shook his head, looking like he was about ready to cry. “T-they used the Leg Lock Spell on m-me.”

                I raised an eyebrow. “Who is ‘they’?”

                “Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle cornered me near the library and used the curse on me, because Malfoy said he needed someone to practice on.” I preformed the counter-curse, and Neville still looked like he wanted to cry, so I Accio-ed a Chocolate Frog from the kitchens and gave it to him.

                That cheered him up, but I was still absolutely furious at Malfoy.

                As I started to turn away, I looked at Neville. “I’ll see you late Neville,” I said through clenched teeth. “I’ve got some business to take care of.”

                He looked worried. “Don’t do anything stupid Eli,” and when I didn’t say anything, he sighed. “Could you take this Chocolate Frog card to Harry, I think he collects them.”

                I nodded and stuck it in my cloak. Then I whirled around and headed towards the library, looking for Malfoy. I was about to whirl around the corner when I saw him. I decide to sneak attack him as he walked right by me, not even noticing I was there. “Petrificus Totalus!” I muttered. Malfoy hit the ground, smacking his head, but he sadly didn’t go unconscious. Goyle and Crabbe looked around trying to figure out who did, but I hit them with the spell before they could even figure out what had happened.

                I quickly walked away and up to the Common Room before Snape could find them. As I walked into the Common Room, Neville gave me a worried look.

                “You didn’t do anything too bad, did ya Eli?” Neville looked pained when he was my expression.

                I tried to look innocent. “I’m not that violent, am I?”

                Fred raised an eyebrow at me. “What did you do?”

                “Ummm… I might have put a full body binding curse on Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle… Whoops.”

                “Elle!” Oliver had come down and heard the discussion. “Are you trying to get kicked out of the match? Snape’s gonna kill you!”

                I rolled my eyes. “They didn’t see me. I snuck up on them. And if they blamed me I’ll just say that they didn’t have any proof.”

                Oliver face-palmed. “You’re gonna get yourself expelled.”

                I shrugged. “Oh, by the way Harry, here’s a Chocolate Frog Card from Neville. He thought I might see you before he would.” I handed him the card, and saw whose it was. But before I could take the card back, Harry had already read the back.

                “I found him!” Harry shouted. “I found Nicholas Flamel!”

                Bloody Hell.

This was just a funny chapter, but enjoy! The contest is still on, read the last chapter for the rules (Its 10 oclock at night, and I'm to lazy to retype it all), and good luck!

Remember to read Saving Jack and Quora!

Jessica <3

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