Chapter 7

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Yay! I got five votes! Thanks for all who voted! I hope you like this chapter, as this one was the most fun. I did promise you guys some Quidditch, right?


The rest of the day passed by rather slowly. Quidditch tryouts were at the end of the day, and I had my spot as Chaser to defend. I had miraculously become a chaser as a second year, being quick, nimble, and having great aim.

                Dinner came and Harry and I couldn’t eat. It was extremely nerve-wracking.

                “I dunno why you’re so nervous Harry,” I said, picking at my food. “You aren’t trying out against anyone.”

                He shrugged. “I just hope I don’t make a complete idiot out of myself in front of everyone.”

                I pushed my plate away. “Well, I’m not going to be eating anything else. Do you wanna head out to the pitch?” He nodded, getting up and pushing his plate away. I turned to Ron. “Do you wanna head out with us?”

                Ron looked up with a mouthful of food. “Nope,” he managed to choke out, “I’ll meet up with you guys later.”

                Harry and I each set out the Quidditch pitch. I was happy not to have any homework for the weekend. As we walked onto the pitch, I saw Oliver standing out on the field. He had some brooms in his hand, for those who didn’t own one.

                “Hey Oliver!” I shouted, waving at him.

                He looked up and saw us. His face broke out into a big grin. “Hey Elle, hey Potter. How ya doing?”

                I grinned. “Pretty good.” Harry nodded in agreement. It seemed as if both of our nerves had vanished upon walking onto the pitch. “Do you know who all is trying out this year?”

                Oliver nodded. “I believe so. For Chasers trying out, it’s Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, and you. Whoever doesn’t make it will be put on reserve. For beaters this year I believe it’s just Fred and George trying out. Same with me for Keeper, and Harry’s already the Seeker, so it’s just between you four girls.” I nodded. I knew Alicia and Angelina, and I didn’t know how I’d stack up against them. I didn’t know Katie personally, but I knew she was a year younger than me. Oliver noticed my apprehension. “You’ll do great. You were our best scorer last year.” I gave him a smile.

                I then mentally smacked my head. “I forgot to tell you. Friday before the game, Professor McGonagall and I are headed to Diagon Alley to get a new broom. My old one is falling apart.”

                Harry looked at me. “What broom did you have before?”

                “I had a Cleansweep 5, which was made about 5 years ago.”

                “Yeah, I’d definitely say it’s time to get a new one. You can use one of the school’s Cleansweep 6’s if you want to.”

                 I shook my head. “Naw, the school’s brooms are a little wacky. Mine’ll do for now.”

                Two voices then suddenly resounded out of nowhere.

                “Hey Wood! Hows-“ Fred started.

                “-it going?” George finished.

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