Chapter 5

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It’s been 3 days since the Gala and the boys have texted me non-stop since we exchanged numbers. Unfortunately I also had Harry’s number but I changed his name to “The Perverted Jerk” on my phone. 

My phone beeped again, currently I was texting Zayn.

Zaynlovesmirrors: So will you be able to hang today? X.

Me: I don’t know I’m working today till 7:00, maybe after that…

Zaynlovesmirrors: Oh, where do you work I’ll pick you up x.

Me: Starbucks, come early and ill give you a drink on the house :)

Zaynlovesmirrors: as long as you’ll make it ;) thanks babe, see you then x.

Me: see ya!

I put my phone away and headed off to Starbucks to start my shift. As I was walking I thought about One Direction. After the “incident” was solved, I got to know the guys a bit better, when I say guys I mean everyone except Harry, who just stood quietly in the back. Each boy was special in their own way. Niall was a bundle of joy; he had this charisma that made you laugh whenever he laughed, even if the situation wasn’t funny. Zayn was quiet at first, but after he found out I meant no harm, he joined the others craziness to an extent. Liam, well I already knew a bit about him. He is responsible and caring, and when he looks at you, he makes you feel like you’re the only person in the world. He makes me feel things that I will never admit to myself. Louis, well that boy is a wild card. That night of the Gala he pulled so many pranks on McClain that he almost got kicked out, key word ALMOST. Last but not least, Harry Styles. I have no idea what it is about him that makes my blood boil. It’s just whenever I see him I remember the incident at the club and I just want to rip off his manhood (if you can call it that) and stuff it down his throat. UGH! He makes me want to be psychopathic killer… sometimes I think of his death and smile at the thought of life without him.

 Don’t even get me started on what Ames thought of this situation. I thanked God that she wasn’t there that night because of work or else she would have fainted or worse, scream in their faces. That girl needs a reality check. I got home she started hounding me with questions, and looking up to the ceiling/sky yelling, WHY GOD?! WHY?? WHY DID YOU MAKE ME WORK THE NIGHT ONE DIRECTION APPEARED AT JASINES GALA?!?!?! FIRST THE CLUB NOW THE GALA!!! HOW COULD YOU?? I COULD HAVE MET MY FUTURE HUSBAND OR HUSBANDS! After that little rant, she looked me straight in the eye and said my life is over, excuse me while I go dig a hole and cry until I die! And with that she walked out of my flat and headed off into the night. She texted me that night telling me she’s in her basement curled up into a ball in the corner, just so I don’t panic. She keeps saying ‘The shit I go through on a regular basis’ which always ends in me thinking ‘why the fuck am I still friends with this nut job?’ 

Walking into Starbucks, I said hello to Stefanie. Stefanie is one of the few people in my friend’s category; she’s bubbly, smart, witty and loves to have a laugh, but it takes a lot to get her to warm up to you, so she’ll start out shy. It took me 4 months before she started to join me and Amy in out hangouts. The unfortunate flaw that she carries is that she is also a ‘directioner’ hence why she and Amy get along so well. I feel as though I am the only living soul in this world that doesn’t like one direction. Even with the predicament I’m in. 

“Oh my god, Amy called me yesterday. Since when do you hang out with One Direction? WAIT! Most importantly why wasn’t I informed?” 

“Not you too!! Please can I just have one single day where I can think about things other than this stupid boy band?!” I begged.

Stefanie looked at me and sighed, “Fine, but you must tell me later then or I will get Amy in on this and force it out of you” she warned.

“Thanks! I’ll let you know later, definitely! I’ll tell you how much of an asshole Harry is.”

She punched my shoulder lightly, “Hey! Harry is not an asshole!”

“Fine whatever you say, can we please just start making drinks?” I plead.

Without an answer she faces forward and takes the old guys order who waited impatiently for our ‘discussion’ to be over.

Fast-forward time to 6:50 p.m.

I was putting foam into the Chai Latte, when a soft voice put me of my trance, “So do I get my drink now?”

I looked up and saw a guy in shades, an avenger’s snapback wearing an OBEY sweatshirt, I looked at him quizzically, “Uhm, sorry buddy doesn’t work that way.” Then went back to the Latte and gave it to the customer.

 “No, Jasmine it’s me” the stranger slid his shades down to the tip of his nose. My eyes met a pair of warm brown eyes surrounded by dark lashes. 

“Oh my! Hi Za-” I was silenced by Zayn’s hand that covered my mouth. “Sorry, I didn’t recognize you” I whispered.

He laughed, “You don’t say, anyways you’ll be done soon I presume?” he asked

Stefanie came back from the storage room, “Jasmine, sorry I took so long but I couldn’t find the coff-” she dropped the plastic cups to the floor and just stared at Zayn in complete shock. 

I quickly went over to her and picked up all the cups and placed them on the counter. “Stefanie,” no response, “Earth to Stef.” Waving my hands in her face, hopefully making her come out of her trance. But no such luck, ugh stupid directioners. An idea popped from my head. Since it was Sunday, we were supposed to close now so I quickly locked up, Stef still staring while Zayn stood there awkwardly looking at me for help. I went up to him, “Zayn could you go over to Stef and give her a friendly peck on the cheek?” I whispered.

“Sure, but wouldn’t that kill her?” he asked?

“That’s the point” I winked at him

Zayn shrugged his shoulders, removed his disguise, I swear I heard her squeal a little, and walked up to her. Stef still following Zayn’s actions with her eyes, not believing what’s about to happen, “Love, is everything alright?” he asked her. She nodded a little, causing Zayn to chuckle, “If this is you alright, I wonder how you act when you’re normal, let alone drunk” and with that he hugged Stef and kissed her cheek as soon as he released her. 

Her face was priceless; I quickly took advantage and whipped out my phone to take a picture. I showed Zayn the picture and we both howled with laughter. 

Stefanie finally spoke up but it was barely audible, “That’s not funny.” 

“Actually sweetheart, it is.” Zayn says still laughing.

She finally breaks out of her trance and walks over to me and slaps me lightly across the cheek, “Why didn’t you tell me Zayn fucking Malik was going to show up tonight?”

“Uhm.. sorry?” 

Zayn laughs harder, and pulls Stef into another hug, “You poor child” and stroked her hair. 

Stef finally gained strength and laughed along with him, “Hey! You would act like this too if you met someone you looked up to” she defended herself.

“I definitely would if I met Channing Tatum but never EVER for One Direction.” I state.

“HEY! That hurt! Right here” he cried out, pointing to his heart, and fake cried. 

Stefanie quickly aiding him, “There, there, Jasmine’s just bitchy lately because Harry won’t give her any loving” she teased.

“Yeah because I want to get with someone who uses their lyrics to pick up women.” I rolled my eyes. Yes I found out from Liam that he used the lyrics to one of their songs called “Rock Me”. 

“Hey! Count yourself lucky!” Stef states.

“Yeah I’m so blessed” note the sarcasm.

Zayn howls with laughter, watching us bicker about how ‘lucky’ I am. Please if I were lucky, it would be David Beckham asking me to ‘Rock him’, now that is what I call luck.

After we cleaned the store, while Zayn sat on one of the stools, Stef finally felt calm and relaxed around him. Good, maybe she can come out of her shell if I introduce her to the rest of the gang. I’ll have to ask the rest if that’s okay. Plus I’d have to bring Ames along; she would skin me alive if I didn’t bring her. I feel like I’m walking on thin ice, one wrong move and BAM! I’m down under… the shit I go through.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2013 ⏰

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