Rhoswen (Foreword)

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Hello. I'm Rhoswen Alawn Gruffudd-Jones. I grew up in West Wales, in a farm which had belonged to my family for 7 generations.
My passions are to ride horses (and pterodactyls as well), to draw, to sing, and to save lives. I can be very competitive sometimes, as people use to underestimate me for the fact that I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at birth. But, be careful, because it so so mild, you can't call it a disability. I hate when people do that. And that's why Ive NEVER EVER refused a chance to let people know what I'm capable of and give them a big kick in the ass. Im always challenging myself to make possible the impossible. I can also be very though to deal with, I'm human, I've got my days you know. If I'm in a good mood, I'm ready for anything you ask me to. But people don't see that, cos they think I'm weak.
My father, Elwyn Macsen Gruffudd was a pilot in the army, he died in an accident before I was born.
My mother, Iola Ceri Jones, was a nurse and died a week after I was born, due to pregnancy stress, labour complications and post-labour depression, caused by his death.
I was brought up by my grandparents; Nana Grace who was also my elementary teacher and the only woman role in my life so far and Poppy Lewys, who was a vet, shooter in his free time and taught me how to handle a gun, a bow and a sword. They were the most loving, strongest and wisest people I've ever know.
But most of all, I was rised by my uncle and godfather Ianto (Yan) Jones. He's been the closest thing to perfection I've ever had in my life. He was there with me everyday, every moment, since I can remember. And its fair to say he's been someone I've always looked up to and admired all my life. For many reasons. Like he hasn't only been my uncle, but he's also had to take over both parents' roles several times, as well as my best friend, guardian, protector, coddler, confident, scolder, workmate, partner in crime, tissue, pillow... And coffeemaker every once in a while.
My first 10 years were the happiest I've ever lived. In a happy home, with my wonderful family in the countryside, away from the noise and the pollution of the city. With all I needed; fresh air, space to run and the warmness of my home.
Then, when I was 10 my uncle Yan left to work in a place called Torchwood One, which was in London. Two years later he moved to Cardiff for Torchwood Three, because London's had screwed up. I didn't really know what that Torchwood was until, due to an accidental fire, my farm was burnt and Uncle Yan took me to Cardiff with him.
There I met the team:
The Captain Jack Harkness, the boss a mysterious, charming, man who couldn't die. He had American accent, but nobody could confirm he was. He quickly became my confident and one of my favorite people. And, he still is. After all these years Although we've got our differences and run-ins, and he's no longer a boss to me, we still have a strong bound and we are in touch nowadays. Besides, he's the one funeral I'll never have to cry on.
Gwen Cooper: Gwen joined the team two weeks or so before I did. We relayed a lot on each other since we were the new ones. Together, hand in hand, we went through the dangerous chaos Torchwood was, and when the world went to hell and Torchwood exploded, Yan died, Jack left, I fell in depression and we had to go undercover, I lived with her, her husband Rhys and their kid Anwen for a while until Jack cane back and Earth screwed up again. Meanwhile, both of them were very supportive towards me, and helped me in all I needed. . She had good taste for clothes which was useful for me several times, like proms.
Toshiko Sato: Tosh was the best when it came to technology, books, Japanese and advices. I always thought of her when I needed to take a decision, wanted a good book to read or I had to hack something.
Doctor Owen Harper: The medic and Torchwood's official Full-time Jerk. Medic in daytime, womanizer at night. We spent our first years hating and spiting each other. We were the opposite, never agreed on nothing. He treated me like I was retarded or something. But then, through the years, we became friends, especially since 2007, when a thunder hit me and paralyzed me. Him and I spent everyday together in the Medical Bay, and got to know and understand each other. Besides, he's the reason I am a Doctor nowadays. He was my mentor, and I still look back to him everyday.
Then, there was my faithful MyFanwy, the pterodactyl my Uncle Yan and Jack caught before he joined Torchwood. Since I could no longer ride my horses when I arrived, Jack taught me how to ride her. And its the most awesome experience ever.
Jack is always saying he's looking for the <<Right Doctor>>. I've always wondered what he meant with that.
Until, when Uncle Yan died, and that <<Doctor NoName>> appeared with his BigBlueBox, which is supposed to be <<disguised to stay unnoticed>> and actually, its a Time Machine bigger on the inside, and in fact, is bigger than the whole United Kingdom. Well, that Doctor-Of-The-BigBlueBox-Who-travels-through-Space-and-Time, is the best of friends to me. I've known him since I was 14 and a half, and he was on his 10th incarnation. With his sunshoes and his thick eyebrows... I've seen him change, I've met him several times, I've drawn all his faces, all his victories. And he's been through all my best days, my worst, he's seen me being born, and die, he feels me, and I feel him back.
I think this is it. This is my life in 1230 words

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