Background Of Characters

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Now that you know what this story is about here is a not so short background of each of these people.

   Luna and Celestia : Sisters, When Celestia was born her mother and father were together and tried there very best to take care of her with all of there love, which they did but 1 year later Celestia's sister Luna was born. One year after Luna was born her mother Hoshi  died from an unexpected shooting, A stray bullet had hit her when she was on her way to the mailbox. It was a very tragic death and loss for there father, But Luna and Celestia were only 1 and 4 so they don't really remember her at all. The only thing that they carry with them is there names which were named by there mother (which is why they are named after moon/stars) and a charm on a necklace that was their mothers. The death was so tragic for their father  that he even went to grief counseling, but even after all that and the love he had for his 2 children he ran away on a plane to the U.S leaving the children at their aunts house while he ''went on an errand.'' When he didn't come back for 24 hours their aunt called the police, they tracked him down but sadly the plane had crashed on the way to America. The girls did not know there father well but they did know him quite more than their mother. They then started to live with their aunt which they loved dearly and since they didn't have much other family at all they didn't really have a choice. Throughout there years in grade school (elementary school) they didn't have as many friends as the other kids. Luna had a small group of friends and so did Celestia although it was a tad bit larger group. The two girls were very kind and didn't judge people for the most part, they felt that they couldn't seeing there circumstances. All throughout the girls school careers Luna didn't do the best, she usually got C's, sometimes B's if she was lucky. Celestia on the other hand was an A+ student she didn't have much to do in her spare time so she studied. Her aunt was proud of her nieces but she was especially proud of Celestia getting good grades after all that she went through.

   Nao: A boy who has traveled the world with his parents who are photographers, and very rich ones may I add. Around his 13th birthday him and his parents went back to live in there home town Tsumuki. He had the perfect life, family, grades everything. Nao used to have an older brother living with him but Taiki (his brother) moved to America to pursue his plastic surgery career in Los Angeles. Taiki is his adopted brother,  his parents adopted him 3 years before they had Nao. Even though Nao's parents loved him more than life itself he could always tell he was the disappointment. Even though Nao got great grades Taiki got better, Nao would enter contests and win 2nd place but Taiki got 1st place. Nao was always one step down from Taiki, and he was determined to make that change no matter what. 

    Yuri: A young girl who is just in the 3rd year of grade/elementary school has had quite a traumatic life so far. She has stayed in foster homes for her whole life, when she was born her parents had left her at a hospital door alone in the cold month of December. Her mother had supposedly still named her, Yuri after her favorite flower.. lilies. Her mothers boyfriend had made her leave her at the hospital even though Yuri was going to be the only thing that mattered to her, It was the most devastating moment in her whole life. Yuri to this day just knows that her parents left her there and hated her. Yuri kept to herself at school and at ''home'', she has been in 3 foster homes but the latest one has been the longest duration of time being there so far. Her teachers in school worry lots but don't do anything about it, thinking its an at home problem. The only thing that brought her joy was her cat named Mika, she has had it since she was 3. It was the only thing that she has had with her since she was little and she brought Mika to every single one of her foster homes. That is why she has had so many foster homes so far, her latest home is a fan of cats so they let Mika stay with Yuri

    Akira and Hiroki: Twins who live with there parents have a very normal life. Both go to school, get mediocre grades have a good amount of friends and live in a stable home. They have both parents so it seems like there life is great. Their parents are severely struggling with money issues. They have had to take out multiple loans to pay for there house, they have to get food stamps and they have a huge amount of dept. They don't want to worry the twins so they keep it to themselves. The twins are in high school and have become aware of the money issue so both of them have gotten jobs and then given the money to their parents. The fact that they do that actually got the family back on there feet and weren't as close to living on the street as before. Akira has had the same boyfriend since her first year of high school and are now on their second year. Her boyfriend Jay, is an exchange student from America and knows fluent Japanese. Little does Akira know is that the next month Jay has to go back home and probably isn't going to see Akira ever again. Akira thinks she's in love with him and Jay is in love with her but he doesn't have a choice whether to stay or not. Hiroki has had tons of girlfriends, he is the school bad boy and has girls surrounding him. It might sound like he's a jerk but on the inside he is a kind person. When he is around Akira he is the nicest person but also such a brother. He might not show it but he is very protective over Akira, a special twin bond.

    Rei: A girl in her third year of high school is very different. she loves dark stuff, dark in the sense that she is gothic and loves the dark side of stuff. Nothing really caused her to be like this except maybe her brother Hisatu is the same exact way. She is nothing like her sister Maya that lives in Russia. Maya is tall, blond, smart and very girly which is the opposite of Rei. Maya moved to Russia over the summer after she graduated high school. Hisatu lives with his girlfriend in Tokyo. Reis sister is her half-sister, Reis mother had a husband before her father that she had Maya with. But when Her husband wanted them to move to America with him (which is where he is from) she rejected and they got a divorce. One year later she mat Reis father Kazumi and they had Hisatu, 4 years they had Rei.

SOOO sorry it was so long but it will help you understand the story way more

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