Chapter 4

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Akira pov

  ''HIROKI I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DONT GET YOUR LITTLE ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW'' I scream down the hallway ''Oh my god....what is wrong with you'' Hiroki said as he headed towards my room. ''YOU.......'' I say as I point at him ''Yes.. did I do something wrong?'' he said innocently. I glare at him as I say '' do you see a certain something in my room that's not right, no of course you don't that's because you TOOK IT,YOU TOOK MY COFFEE.'' He looks at me in disbelief ''You just screamed at me....over a drink....''

  Okay I have to admit, maybe it was a little overboard but no one.. NO ONE messes with me and my coffee, its just a thing OKAY. Anyways Hiroki should stay out of my room, I mean who knows what he could find, UH  I mean...he wouldn't find anyyyything hahahah..ha... I looked over at the screen on my phone awww I love my background of me and jay on our anniversary last week,  when I finally focused on the time I realized what time it was ''shit shit shit shit god damn shit'' I said to myself. Hiroki must have also saw the time because when I was going out of my room he was fleeing down the stairs. Well late again I guess..

Hiroki pov

  I swear to god if Akira doesn't calm down about all that ''coffee'' stuff I'm going to go crazy, if she didn't go screaming at me then we would not even be late. If I even said that out loud my but would be kicked soo bad, Its embarrassing really, being beat up by your own sister. She took like four year of  martial arts and has a belt in karate, its actually pretty scary. It all started off when my mom signed me up for classes but when I was cutting them to study or do something with my friends Akira would go to them for me. Back then I was so grateful for her doing that, we are really close we would do literally anything for each other. Enough of the mushy stuff I gotta get to school, I'm like thirty minutes late and we cannot be late to school again.

Nao pov

  I swear if I cant get Lunas attention I'm going to die, god girls can be so annoying sometimes. ''Nao over here'' I hear a voice saying. Oh its Hiroki, he's been my best friend since 3rd grade, ''Hey Hiroki, what's up?'' I slightly listen to what he's saying but I'm in my own thoughts thinking about what I do that is making Luna upset.

  Then I hear Hiroki say something '' So that's what happened this morning..uh to Nao..what's up with you bro?'' I finally set on what he was saying and I tell him about trying to find Luna, ''Oh uh ill tell you if I see her today''. Ya like she will even care, ''Ya thanks..'' I say. I walk down the hallway when I see her, OH MY GOD I SEE HER. I ran after as fast as I could without her noticing me, I grab her sweater and pull her over into the empty classroom.

Luna pov

''What the hell is..... oh Nao its you'' I say with a shiver in my voice. Oh my god no, no I wasn't ready to tell him, I wasn't ready to see him. ''Ya its me who else would it be.. and anyways, why have you been avoiding me'' Nao said with a extremely worried look.'' Uhm I don't know what your talking about, I haven't'' I say. '' Okay.. is something wrong?, If there is please tell me, please'' Nao says. I respond by saying '' Okay but just let me say everything first okay then you can be as mad as you want.. just please listen.'' Yea of course, but anything that's wrong cant be bad enough for me to be mad.'' He says as he sits in one of the seats. ''Don't say that, just don't.. I...uh I '' I say with hesitation in my voice. Am I really going to tell him, if I just didn't say anything then our relationship would be fine, if I just don't tell him then..

  ''Aboyfromthisschoolkissedmeanditriedtobackoff.'' I say extremely quickly. ''Luna, I didn't hear one word you just said'' Nao says. I sighed then said '' A boy from this school was studying with me at a café, I went to the bathroom and he followed me..'' I stopped to look up at his face, to see what his expression was, he looked genuinely concerned with what I was saying. '' Then when I came out of the stall he.. he pushed me against the wall, kissed me and when I slapped him to get of me.... he uhm I got him off of me and ran home.'' I said with tears steaming down my face. '' Luna, I just'' He tried to say something but instead he got up walked up to me rushed and hugged me tight. He hugged me for so long that I thought time stopped and it was just us, I fell down to the floor and just couldn't stop sobbing. We finally stood up and he kissed me, then he said ''Luna, I don't even know what to say but... I love you, I love you so much'' We have never said that to each other so I looked up at him and whispered ''I love you too.'' We finally got up, I went to the bathroom to fix my makeup and got to class. My English teacher yelled at me for being late and I just sat down.

Chapters are short but will be going up probably every day this week btw this was a very important chapter as you could probably tell.

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