Chapter 5

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Authors note: This chapter is not the most important chapter in the book, its more about there everyday lives so please read it and the next few chapters I promise will be the most eventful chapters.

Celestia pov

  I on my way to the bathroom but I couldn't go to the one across the hall from my classroom so I had to go to the other side of the school, soo annoying. But when I was passing the chemistry classroom I thought I would pop in on Miss Mayberry to see how I did on my test, but I did NOT see Miss Mayberry. Instead I saw Luna and Nao, kissing, sitting on the floor, I wanted to go in and break up whatever was happening but I just went straight to the bathroom. What were they doing, just visible for the whole school to see, I will have a little ''talk'' with her later.

Akira pov

My classes are so extremely boring its not even funny like what is all this A+2b=36x like what, whatever I see Hiroki from across the classroom daydreaming it looks like. At least I'm trying to do my work he's not even trying, I would be doing even better if he didn't take my coffee, he's so annoying. I check the time on my phone but when I see the picture of me and jay I suddenly remembered that I needed to find him. I wanted to see if he would go to this museum I found that I got tickets for. If I couldn't get him to come with my I will drag Luna along, she hates museums but she will do anything for me haha. Oh my god 10 more minutes of this class and I will literally die.

Hiroki pov

  I can see Akira looking at me, she thinks I'm not paying attention but I am. I am listening to every word the teacher is saying, it just so happens that my crush, the one I've had since the 5th grade is outside right now. Sometimes I am so glad I got the seat next the window, it helps me alot. NOT IN THE CREEPY WAY, get your mind out of the gutter. I just mean that not looking at the teaching in the eyes or paying attention to the students helps me learn. If I focus on a non moving image like trees I can pay attention, or maybe its just the coffee that I took from Akira haha.

Rei pov

I spent all of my class worrying about what to do for Maya. She has been gone almost 2 years ago and has only come over once since then. I obviously love her but we are nothing alike, but still I miss her a lot. Although you have to avoid certain topics at a family dinner like, Mayas father who is obviously not ''apart'' of our family, Hisatu's girlfriend which I love because she is so nice and were so alike but our parents disapprove of her because he moved to Tokyo with her.

  Even though Hisatu lives only a few hours from Tsumuki our mother acts like he lives in a different country, even if Maya lives in RUSSIA. She doesn't show it but we all know she is the most proud of Maya since she was her first daughter and she is so successful. I don't really "associate" with my mother, I sometimes try to talk to her and tell her what's happening in my life but she is more concerned with her work. She is a lawyer, and a very good one at that and don't get me wrong I absolutely love my mother I just wished she would pay more attention to me.

  My father on the other hand is the best man you will ever meet in your life, he always supports me no matter what I do, he helps me with my problems and literally everything else. My mother is leaving me in charge of making dinner, so on top of worrying about getting along with everyone I have to worry about what to make for dinner also.

Yuri pov

"The big box" That is the name of my poem we have to write for school. My teachers think its about me playing with a box, that's okay they don't need to know what it is really like. Luna says that I am very mature for my age, I know I'm not that young but for 3rd grade, my teachers say I have an ''exceptional'' writing ability or something like that. '' Hey Yuri, can you help me with this'' I turned around, it was my friend named Alec, he wanted help drawing a beach. "Ya sure, what do you want me to do?'' I said back to him. He showed me where to draw and I drew while thinking. I guess the reason I'm so mature is because I've had to go through a lot and I'm only 9, I think that might be why...I guess.

Luna pov

I am so ready for lunch already, god why am I so hungry. After this morning when I told Nao about the ''thing'' I feel so much better, it was good getting that off my chest but now I feel bad that I didn't tell Celeste. Celeste is my best friend really and I usually tell her everything, all of my school problems, girl drama and boy troubles. Celestia is the prettiest girl in the school really, and I'm not saying that just because she's my sister everyone agrees with my. Although Celestia denies it and not in a '' Oh what are you talking about'' *flip hair back* way either. She actually genuinely thinks every girl is the most beautiful person in someone's eyes, I think that might be why she doesn't have a boyfriend. She thinks that because of the public view it will filter how others see her, they might see her as just a pretty face with no brain or personality. But she is the most awesome person I have ever met, I will tell her everything after school..

Nao pov

  What Luna told me, that's absolutely horrible.

Authors note- I tried to write more for Nao's pov but my computer is being messed up and is saying everything is wrong and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 85 VIEWS THATS ABSALUTLY INCREDIBLE


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