chapter 4

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Sam's P.O.V


I wake up the next morning and see that it was 7:00am and our plane was leaving at 8:00am. I jump out of bed and quickly get changed,running through the house I yell. " Wake up, or we are going to miss our flight." I heard both girls jump out of bed. I quickly gather all the suitcases and started to load the car. I raced back into the house and grabbed some donuts for us to eat on the way.

" HURRY UP GUYS, GET IN THE CAR." I yelled again. " Coming." They both yelled back. I go start the car up and jump in the back seat Soon after Tayler and Addison come out and almost trip on each other. I laugh and they pile in the car, Tayler in the drivers seat and Addison in the passengers seat. Off we went to Minecon.

Addison's P.O.V


With Tayler driving it felt like forever getting to the airport (which is only 20 minutes in away). Finally we pull into the parking garage and hop out of the car. I grab my luggage and sprint to the terminals with Sam and Tayler close behind. We put our luggage onto the baggage carousel so they could be put on the plane We jog to the entrance and gave the lady our tickets. We sigh in relief as we board the plane and sit down.

Tayler took the window seat , I took the middle seat and then it was Sam at the end. Ready for the 2 hour flight I uploaded enough videos to last me the whole flight. When we took off I pressed play to 2 hours of Jason, Sky , Mitch, and Captiansparklez.

Tayler's P.O.V


So for this being my first plane ride I was pretty nervous. Before I left I uploaded some of Mitch's videos and they had calmed me down alot. If I had only one wish I would use it to be with Mitch.

He makes my world brighter. When I was younger (around 15) I was going through a rough time in my life where I couldn't talk to anyone about what was happening. I would always ease the pain by watching Mitch's videos and I still do. Even if I had a rough day and was crying he always managed to put a smile on my face.

20 videos later I heard the captain say into the intercom "( clears voice) Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing in Orlando, Florida in five minutes, please turn off all electrical devices until we land, Thank you and have a nice day."

After I turned everything off I felt the plane dip and I clutched the seat in fear. Sam and Addison look over and laugh. " We are just landing, Calm down." Sam giggles.

" I know, I know I'm just not used to this." I say through my teeth.

Finally we land and exit the plane. While waiting in the line to get our luggage I see my bag. I go to grab it, and a hand meets mine.....


Hello my sexy Embers and I hope you like the cliffhanger :) . I sure did ,thanks for reading another chapter of my book, it really means alot.Also sorry for doing the same P.O.V again I promise I will get to the others in the next chapter. Leave a vote if you liked it !!! As always stay cool my Embers :)


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