Ch. 6: Close Call

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*Roc & SiSi*

"So this is your house?" Roc asked her as he admired the big gorgeous house. "This is me. Huge, right?" SiSi said to him and laughed. "Indeed it is. What do your parents do?" Roc asked in curiosity. SiSi started to look suspicious. "They own a few businesses." She answered and looked away. He could sense that she was lying or at least only telling half the truth. "That's it?" He asked trying to get her to be honest with him. She nodded. "Well don't be in the woods alone anymore. You're too pretty for all that. Someone may take you away." He told her and flashed his huge smile. "It's not like you would care anyway...." She said with an attitude. He gave her a smirk. "Why you think that?" He asked. "Cause you don't even like being around me." She told him and rolled her eyes. He pulled her close and kissed her passionately. He could tell she had been swept off her feet by his mere presence so he knew this kiss would make her high off of love. It took everything she had to pull away from him. She took a deep breath. He could sense the change in her emotions. He felt sorrow in the midst of her longing for him. "Did I do something wrong?" Roc asked her as he placed his cold hands on her waist. She moved his hands. "You're not allowed to keep doing this to me." She told him as tears filled her eyes. "Doing what?" Roc asked her in confusion. "Pulling me in and then pushing me away. It's like you like me but you don't wanna like me." SiSi told him as she stared into his silver eyes. His eyes had a way of making her feel like he was all she needed to be complete but she knew he would never be hers and she had finally realized she couldn't keep something that didn't want to be kept. "It's complicated SiSi." He told her as he touched her cheek. That sent chills over her body. "Lets just make things simple. You don't talk to me and I don't talk to you. Maybe I can even get my schedule changed." She told him. "Your schedule is fine. I'll respect your wishes and not bbe in your way anymore. You don't understand and there's no way for me to make you understand so I'll set you free." Roc told her and walked away. She felt bad but it was a must do.

*Ray Ray*

He stayed at home after everyone else had left. The doorbell started ringing. He checked and a familiar face was standing outside his door. "I don't mean to bother you but somehow I have your math book. I guess you have mine so we can switch and I'll be out your hair." Neah told him and gave him a half smile. Ray was stunned at the fact that she knew where he lived. "How exactly did you know I lived here?" Ray asked her in curiousity. "My mom works in the office and she gave me the address given the situation." She told him. "She can do that?" Ray asked her. "Not really but I needed my book. It has stuff in it that I needed." She told and took her book out his hand and started to walk away. "So you couldn't wait till tomorrow?" Ray asked her flirtatiously. "No. It was very important." She hastily told him. "I think you just wanted to see me. It's cool I won't let your secret out." He told her and smiled. "And what secret may that be?" She said and stared at him. "That you have a crush on me. Don't worry you're not the only one trying to be the only one." He told her and smirked. "Don't flatter yourself, I wouldn't want you if you were the last person on this earth. Got it?" She scolded him. He raised one eyebrow. "Sure. I hear you." He said but he didn't believe her at all. She left and he watched as she drove away. He always liked a challenge.

*Prod & Prince*

They run as fast as they can so that they can get away from Rae. They start to slow down when her scent wears off. "I told you it was bad being around her." Princeton said as he stared at Prod. "I don't think it's only her blood that makes you feel the way you do around her..." Prodigy told him. "What are you implying?" Princeton asked with an attitude. "All I'm saying is that you're either in love with her or you will be with time." Prod answered him. Princeton's eyes got big. "You seen it didn't you?" He asked Prod already knowing the answer. "Yeah but the future could change. I could be wrong." Prodigy tried to reassure. "Yeah you must be cause I don't fall in love. Plus you can't fall in love when you don't have a heart, so don't talk to me anymore about Rae or any other girl ya'll have your minds set on. This will all blow up in every single one of your faces and when it does I will sit back with Vincent and laugh. I couldn't care less about Rae. She's nothing to me." Princeton told him bluntly and walked off. He couldn't tell if what he said was his true feelings for Rae but he knew he didn't want the problems of getting to know her anymore than he already had.

*Rae & Sidney*

Rae noticed that Princeton was fine till he seen her bleeding. She was trying to put two and two together. "Sidney, did you notice anything weird about their reaction to my blood?" Rae asked her just to see what her reasponse woud be. "Maybe they hate the sight of blood. Some people have phobias like that." Sid replied. "Yeah maybe that's what it was." Rae knew better though and she was going to get to the bottom of it if it was the last thing she ever did. She knew something wasn't right about this situation......................................................

Stay tuned. - Chasity

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