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No ones POV

Rune looked at his son in disbelief, "Freed you wound me. Of course I care. I am your father after all." He said to the rune mage. Placing a hand upon his shoulder. Freed just shrugged it off and glared at his father,

"You may be my father, but you were never there, not even when you were aloud to be. I was left to fend for myself and ended up finding people to teach me the ways of Rune Magic. Something I had hoped would come from the man I have wanted to see since I was small. I had to put my life on the line just to make ends meet. I had to face reality and my reality was that I would never know my father, nor my mother, nor any brothers or sisters if any. I don't expect an apology, nor do I want one. You made your choice when you abandoned me. Now my family is with Laxus and Lucy and the rest of Fairy Tail." He ranted but was stopped when he received a hug from the man he had trained himself to hate,

"I know I wasn't there for you. I was stupid, I truly am sorry Freed. I know I'm the last person you want to see and I can't pretend to have any say in what you do, but I at least want to see what becomes of you. Would you allow an old man that?" Rune said, a true hint of remorse echoing in his voice. Freed stayed silent. After a few moments he slowly wrapped his arms around Rune in return,

"I suppose I can do that. You have no idea how long I've waited to hear those words come from you." He said smiling into his father's shoulder. After the two pulled away from each other Rune smiled,

"You've become quite the man my boy, tell me. Have you at least been nominated for s-class yet. I don't care either way but I wish to know." He asked. Freed chuckled and nodded,

"Yes I was nominated this year. Although I gave my chance to Cana who was trying to prove to Gildarts that she was worthy of being his daughter." He said and Rune nodded,

"That was admirable indeed. Well, I want to train you Freed, unlock the Dragon Slayer in you. I know it's there." He said. Freed looked surprised at him. Thought it over and slowly nodded,

"Alright. I suppose it wouldn't do much harm." He said. Rune clapped him on the shoulder,

"Good we start soon. Once your Friend Gray is here. But for now, I suppose I should get you back to the prince." He said. Freed laughed and nodded.

Freed's POV

'Wow it's actually nice to be able to know and see him.' I thought as we walked back into the throne room. When we reached Lucy I bowed,

"Might I reintroduce myself your majesty, I am Freed Alexander Runencia Justine. Son of Runencia the Rune Dragon." I said as I stood up. Sting, Laxus and Lucy all looked at me surprised, however Laxus was the first to speak,

"So. Are you one of us?" He asked. I shook my head,

"I am no Dragon Slayer, just a simple Rune Mage, for now anyway. Once Gray arrives I'm going to start training to unlock my magic." I said smiling at him. Lucy got up off her throne and held her hand out to me,

"Its good to know I have someone like you on my side. Welcome Freed, you're one of us now." She said and I nodded,

"Yes I am Lucy. Ill remain by your side in support until the end. As my Queen, and my friend." I said shaking her hand. She smiled but it faded as her head snapped to the ceiling. She concentrated on it for a minute before pulling her hand away and moving for the door,

"Icotope. Go get Gray. If we're gonna have any chance against what I fear is coming everyone's gonna have to start training sooner than expected." She said to Icotope who nodded and disappeared from the room. Lucy ran out of the room as well to the nearest, "Mystogan what are you thinking?" I heard her whisper.

Lucy's POV

"I left the throne room and peared out the nearest window to see what looked to be the beginning stages of an anima to Edolas,

"Mystogan what are you thinking?"

Hey guys so I wanted to give you a little info regarding Freed and Rune. For one Rune is my own made up character that I put in here so I had an excuse for making Freed a Dragon Slayer. Second, Freed is Rune's biological son whereas all the other 'true' Dragon slayers were adopted. Rune was rash and stupid and left Freed on his own. His mother died in childbirth so he had no one else until he met Laxus.

Luv ya long time


{{BEING REWRITTEN}} Betrayed, Unloved and Forgotten {Fairy Tail FF}Where stories live. Discover now