Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It took a few weeks and a lot of yelling from my mom for us to move into the apartment. But at least she was able to get a job as a nurse at a hospital a few blocks away. We had people move our stuff for us, and I started working part time at the hospital to help out. Kat worked at a small vet downtown with the owner,Bracken, a middle aged man who seemed to know too much about everything. 

"I need to see him," a young girl said, tears running down her cheeks.

My heart went out for her.

"No one but family is allowed in," I said, "Unless you know someone like me who's willing to help out."

I unlocked the door and let the girl in, and she ran to his side. He lay on the bed, tubes hooked up to him every which way. Burns covered half his face, making him unrecognizable. His entire arm was also covered with healing burns, black and crusty looking. 

A slow beep in the background told us he was still alive and breathing, but not by much. He wasn't going to make it. It wasn't just the burns, his lungs were as black as his arm with the burns. His body is infested with disease and its only a matter of hours until he dies.

"Is he going to live?" she asked quietly, holding his hand.

I clenched my jaw. 

"We're doing everything we can," I said.

She looked up at me.

"He's going to die, isn't he?"

I paused before nodding, and I went to the other side of the bed to look at him. Even with the burns covering half his face, I could tell he used to be handsome. He had curly,sandy brown hair that fell over his eyes, which I knew were blue because I saw him when he first came in. He was screaming, and I remember him grabbing onto my hand.

"Help," he had screamed, "Give me something for the pain, anything!"

He was wheeled away before I could say anything, but his screams were heard throughout the hospital until they sedated him. 

I closed my eyes, holding his hand. In the past week of working here, I had seem three people die in front of my eyes. I didn't want him to die too. I remember watching him cough so hard there was his white substance that came out. But they gave him a medicine to prevent him from coughing anything up.

"Haley, put that down. Thats hemlock, you'll be coughing like a chain smoker," I remembered my mom saying.

Its a white plant with hundreds of tiny little florets. I remember thinking it was beautiful, I remember wanting to give it to my grandma.

I opened my eyes, rushing over to his file. Flipping through the pages, I finally came across it. 

Patient has been poisoned from some sort of plant, undefined. 


"Hemlock," I said to the girl, "He's got hemlock in him. We need him to throw up, its the only way he'll get it out of him. Go get Dr. Dixon, now!"

She rushed out of the room, thankfully not questioning my expertise. Minutes later, my mom came running in. 

"Give him medicine to throw up," I demanded, "He's got hemlock in him, he needs to throw it up. Mom, he'll die if he doesn't."

My mom went to the counter, looking through tons of bottles until finding a liquid and filling it in a syringe with a long needle on it. She injected it into his arm, and seconds later he sat up, leaned over the bed and threw up until nothing was left in him. 

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