Part 1: The birth

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The saiyan infant Kakarot lay in his crib surrounded by his father, brother Raditz, the King, and Prince Vegeta. King vegeta looked at his son, then back at Kakarot.

"Bardock, Kakarot looks like a fine future warrior. I believe he will be a suitable mate for my son."

Flash back
"Bardock, I have important matters to discuss with you. Follow me. " King vegeta walked away while beckoning him to follow.

"Yes, my lord. " bardock was led into a huge conference room with a table and many chairs.

"Sit down. " King Vegeta gestured to a seat while relieving himself from a standing position as well.

"What is it you needed to discuss with me, sir? "

"Well, Bardock, is it true that your mate, Toma, is pregnant with your second child? "

"Yes, that is correct. "

"And is it true that your son will be a child carrier? "

"Yes, may I ask why you need to know?"

"Well, when my son, the prince, comes of age he will need a mate. And, in order to keep the royal blood-line going, he will also need someone to carry his children. And I trust that you will raise Kakarot to be a strong and respectable saiyan , so I have arranged our sons to be mates when they are both old enough."

"I completely respect your decision, sir, but don't they have to be deeply in love in order to mate? "

"Yes, but who wouldn't love my son? "

"I guess your right. "

"Then it's settled. When our sons come of age, they will mate, and the prince will have a partner already in place."

End flash back.

Prince Vegeta leaned over the edge of the crib, and started to touch the baby's face. Kakarot giggled and played with the older fingers. There was silence until Raditz spoke. "Hey, little brother."

He tried to pick Kakarot up but he squirmed and refused. "I can tell he's gonna be a fiesty one." Bardock said with a chuckle. Raditz gave up and folded his arms in frustration.

Vegeta leaned over the crib and softly smiled at the baby. He carefully picked him up with ease. Kakarot calmed down in an instant and yawned. Everyone looked at him, surprised at how easily he did that.

Vegeta rocked the baby from side to side in his arms until Kakarot was asleep. King vegeta looked more surprised than the other two. He could have sworn that he raised his son to be a cold hearted, ruthless, killing machine. But here he was, rocking an infant to sleep in the most gentle way possible. Prince Vegeta put Kakarot back in his crib and turned around to see everyone giving him strange looks. "What? "

Yay! First chapter of my first fanfic! Tell me, was it good or did it absolutely suck?


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