Chapter Three: That Bitch

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It doesn't really seem like anybody is enjoying this series. ;_; 

I am trying my hardest to make it interesting, so bare with me. D: 

(If you do like it, please leave feedback in the comments!)


I woke up at eight in the morning which was expected since I slept so early. 

I stood up from my bed and literally crawled to the restroom in my own laziness. I crawled back to my warm bed and stripped myself of clothes. I lazily went to the restroom and jumped in the shower.

I opened the shampoo bottle and gave myself a fair amount in my hand, which finished off the bottle leaving no more of the eye-burning contents.

"Another Tabcos run I suppose." I said to myself.

After saying that, I immediatley remembered what happened the last time I went there and started blushing. I smacked myself on the cheeks trying not to remember the event that happened yesterday and gave myself shivers which spread throughout my body.


"Ella," My mother told me, grabbing my hand, "When you like a boy enough that you want to kiss him, tell me."

"Mommy, is kissing when daddy forces his mouth on yours after coming back from Uncle Jerry's bar?"

My mother looked agitated and started crying.

"Mommy, what's wrong? I love you, so don't cry."

"Thank you dear." She said, hugging me. 

Flashback Over~

I felt my mom's tears drip on my shirt that day, but what she told me earlier..

"When you like a boy enough that you want to kiss him, tell me."

What was that supposed to mean? If I want to kiss him...

The boy that I came across yesterday wasn't likeable enough that I wanted to kiss him. Not at all. It doesn't matter anyways because he wouldn't want to kiss some monster like me.

I turned off the water and put on some clothes: A black bra with a grey tanktop over it, white laced underwear and some black skinny jeans. I put on some Toms, grabbed my keys and wallet, and walked out the door, obviously locking it behind me.

I jumped in my van drove over to Tabcos. It was a short drive since it is only down the street.

I walked into Tabcos and immediatley someone said to me,

"Welcome back to Tabcos beautiful."

I looked up and saw it was the perfect guy I met last time and he was smiling, so I blushed and smiled back to him. 

I felt the warmth of my face because I was blushing, I was hoping that it wasn't a too dark of a shade red.

I walked past him and said thanks and went over to the cosmetics isle. 

After about a minute I heard a ring of a bell which rings when someone new enters the store. I looked over and the perfect boy said, "Welcome back Talia."

This time, he did a more comfortable smile unlike mine when he did a somewhat "fake" smile. I saw a girl that also looked the same age as me with light brown curly hair with a cute pink bow in her hair. She had a short mini pink strapped dress and a small white jacket with light pink tights and white leather boots. She was beautiful. Her face seemed smooth and she had a perfect smile. I was envious. As I walked two isles in front of mine to get a better look of her, I saw she had beautiful oak hazel eyes and some lip gloss on. She said to the beautiful boy with a smile, "Thanks Aleks" and she walked away.

I blushed at how perfect she was. She came towards me and my heart started pumping.

"You're so pretty!" I told her as she approached me.

"Thank you!" She said with a smile, "And you're a piece of shit! Make sure you don't go out with that guy Aleks, okay? Okay!"

I was suprised. How could such a beautiful body have such disgusting words come out of it's mouth. I guess I am not the only annoying monster after all. But I couldn't let this go... I still cherish this body enough not to suicide or anything, so I can't just let that slut insult it.

"You're pathetic." I laughed.

I walked away, trying to seem not a bit annoyed by her comment, but boy I was! 

"HMPH!" I heard her pout. She actually was a bit pathetic.

I went to the bagging area and there was that perfect boy Aleks. 

"Do you know that bitch over there?" I asked him.

"Oh Talia? Yep! She's my cousin. She lives in Texas so she won't be here long. Her full name is Talia Montana. She's a model, which is probably the reason why she is so snobby."

I laughed at his comment.


"You mean the Talia Montana? The one who went out with Justin Bieber for like, a month?"

"Yeah, that's her. It turns out she got dumped by Justin because she was such a bitch..."

I giggled at his words.

"She said not to go out with you..? I know it's none of my buisness but could I ask why?"

"So I guess you do want to go out with me then."

"I never said I did?"

"Yeah, but I know you do."

"Shut up and answer the question."

"Oh yeah. Well Talia kind of has a thing for me. She's always telling me, 'Cousins can love!" It's not that I don't agree with that, it's just that I don't want to have that sort of relationship with Talia. She's too annoying for me and she whines too much. She acts like she needs special treatment when she's still a human just like the both of us."

I was suprised at how much he thought like me. I always thought, and I still do, that "rich" people act as if they are royal or whatever. The truth is that they are just greedy shits.

"I see." I replied, acting deep in thought.

He bagged the bottle of shampoo and I automatically paid him five dollars without him asking. He gave back the change and asked, "Ever want to hang out sometime?"

I blushed. I guess he was asking me on a date. I never had this feeling before. I felt like I was somebody... I felt normal.

"Uh... Sure?"

"Great. Here's my number."

He gave me a small strip of paper like he was prepared and knew I was going to say yes.

"Date tomorrow at three? I take the day off."


I stuttered! I felt pathetic. WAIT! I shouldn't care how I speak to him. He's just some ordinary dush bag that will dump me after two weeks of dating.. What am I saying? Someone as perfect as him wouldn't even ask me out.

Well, at least I met one new person today in this neighborhood. 

That bitch.


Thank you for reading the third chapter!!!

I feel like nobody appreciates this series; so if you do, please comment

telling me or I might just end the series here!


~Lilly <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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