Chapter 2

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Next day

" Carissa wake up" I heard someone say I open my eyes to see harry Ron and hermione

" Hello" I smile getting up

" What are you doing out here ?" Hermione asks

" She wouldn't let me in because I didn't know the password " I yawn

" It's yaknog " Ron says

" Thanks " I smile

" come on you need to change " hermione says I smile and we get up going back inside and up to the girls dorm

" So where's my room ?"

" this is it "

" we have to share ?" I ask

" yep "

" what ? There's no personal space !"

" I know you get used to it " she laughs

" argh whatever " I walk over to my trunk and pop it open grabbing some shorts and a tank top I tie my hair up and grab a small jacket putting some make up on and brushing my teeth .

" aren't you going to eat ?" She asks

" No "

" What are you doing today ?"

" going out with Draco Malfoy " I say her mouth fell open

" Really ?"

" yeah "

" he's our worst enemy we hate him as he does with us "

" Why ?"

" I don't know we just haven't liked him since we met each other "

" Oh we are going to Diagon ally to shop "

" He's the moodiest person alive so good luck "

" I got that feeling yesterday " I laugh we leave and they head to their lesson and I go and find Draco

" Finally where have you been ?" He asks when I find him

" I got lost and I was locked out last night " I say smiling

" Why are you so smiley?"

" because I'm a happy person "

" It's weird "

" Well so are you "

" I'm not "

" Yes you are "

" No I'm not now shut up " he says

" Hermione was right " I say

" Granger thinks she's right about everything so I wouldn't listen to her "

" She was right about you "

" About what ?"

" She said you are moody which is true " I laugh

" No I'm not "

" yes you are look this is you , no I'm not " I said in a deep voice and a sad face

" what that's not me ?" He asks laughing a little

" yay a smile !" I giggle he carries on smiling as we walk to Diagon ally which is a really long away away. When we finally get there I grab lots of money out of my bank and we head to the first place on my list


The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk (Galleon, Flourish and Blotts)

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot (Galleons, Flourish and Blotts)

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