Chapter 11

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Some weeks later

Carissa Pov

I made sure I recovered quickly or it seemed as if I had recovered I didn't want anyone fussing over me. I carried on doing my research but not as much because of voldemort and his tortures.

Finally it came to another break this time no one went home it was just a free two weeks to have some fun with no lessons , it's slowly getting to the end of the school year.

Today I'm meeting Bella and she said she's got a surprise that this person shall be by my side next to voldemort when he takes over. I head to somewhere in diagon alley going deep into the tougher part.

" Carissa " Bella says walking over and giving me a hug. I smile and we go into this building where voldemort , lucious Malfoy is and right next to him is no other than draco. I look at him wide eyed as he does to me but we both quickly looked away

" Carissa this is draco he goes to Hogwarts " Bella says

" yeah I've seen his face around " I say

" Yeah you are the new girl ?" He asked

" Yeah" I said it was a little awkward after that. death eaters came in and out no one stayed long and then voldemort came in

" Ah Carissa , draco so good to see you " he said calmly

" Yeah you too" I said

" Our army is finally getting there soon we shall be able to knock everyone down who stands in our way !" He said

" Sounds cool" I said

That meeting went on for a while I got really bored but the only thing that was bothering me was the fact draco hadn't told me any of this ! He was part death eater well so was I but that's not the point. we are both being forced to do something we don't want to do.

" Harry Potter shall lead us to the prophecy once I send him that little dream of Sirius once he has I want you lucious to see to manipulating him "

" yes dark lord " he said nobly

" Bellatrix you shall be there too and if it goes too far I will be right around the corner " he said smirking a little

" What about me and draco ?"

" This has nothing to do with you two , you shall be at school when this happens and if we do need you then you know what to do " be said

" Fine " I sighed

The meeting wasn't that special there was really nothing to it voldemort talked about how he's going to kill harry anytime soon and blah blah blah I don't really care . all I care about is the anger thats boiling up inside of me. we get teleported back to hogwarts

" Carissa !" Draco yelled as I stormed off going up some stairs there was some people around so we couldn't say much

" What ?" I asked spinning around that's when everyone stopped and stared

" I'm sorry believe me I don't want anything to do with this but he's threatening to do something to my father " he said

" You could of told me ! I could of helped !"

" And you could of told me !"

" I was going to but I was protecting you if he knows that we know each other then it's all over "

" okay Carissa we were both hiding it from the each other to protect each other I'm sure that we can resolve this !" He yelled

" Draco I'm not mad at just you ! I'm mad at my self  okay I should of noticed this , when Voldemort was going on about me having a partner and we shall be standing by him and this partner was a he and you were being weird I just should of known"

" I should of known too Carissa okay you were acting weird the dark lord was going on about a girl and she's powerful .Please Carissa don't be mad " but as he kept saying that my anger just rose and rose I couldn't control my self

" How can I not ? You are part one of them !"

" You are a full one though" he said pointing at my arm I looked at my wrist to see the skull with the legs was moving

" Oh no it's getting stronger " I whispered

" Carissa me harry Ron and hermione went to talk to padfoot " he said I shot my head up and looked at him

" What ?"

" He told us everything and we need to help you "

" No ! " more students seems to gather around

" Carissa we can help okay ? I'm not leaving you I -"

" No that's enough !" I yelled storming off I rushed to my room and looked at the tattoo it was huge , I could feel the darkness grow inside of me . my head filled with voices again , things got inside of me. why was this happening to me ? Why is voldemort torturing me to do this ? It only makes things worse. I run my hands through my hair and taking a deep breath.

You're the key Carissa

You will be more powerful than you could ever know

Don't fight it Carissa let it take over !

You're all alone now no need to be afraid of protecting anyone

The voices in my head kept saying. I paced around my room running my hands through my hair over and over again.

For the next couple of days I avoid everyone , that's what the voices told me to do. they told me to stay away , im too powerful , I could hurt someone. I hated my self . all the nightmares seemed to consist of horrible things. dumbledoor tried talking to me , everyone did except draco.

He seemed less him self every time I saw him which meant voldermort was doing something to him who knows what I never trust him but I guess he did save my life which means I do owe him , no Carissa stop thinking like that he is pure evil and I can't go down that road again , HE got me into some mess.

Harry , Ron and hermione had formed a group of students to help fight if there ever is one , they want to strengthen their magic to the best of their abilities he asked me if I would join but I said no.

I can feel my heart darkening I can feel my self becoming more like him. Harry has tried to talk to me about it how he knows how I feel but I refused to talk about it , the voices told me not to. These voices seemed to control my every move it's crazy I couldn't even stop my self from doing what they told me to do I just did it.


Chapter 11 ! Hope everyone is loving it as much as I am writing it ! Please vote and comment

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