Chapter 15

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In dumbledoors office

" Carissa how has your first year been at hogwarts?" Dumbledoor asked me

" Great thank you I know it's been crazy but that's how I like it if I was at another magic school than this one I would probably be a mess because I would of had to go through all that by my self and this time I'm actually coming back next year and that's never happened to me before. ME and Draco are SO happy I mean who would OF thought Draco Malfoy and Carissa Bellasario ?"

" This is my fault Carissa you have gotten into this mess we should of talked more -"

"No dumbledoor I am perfectly fine I've had to deal with this for most of my life but you need to speak to harry more he's the important one okay ?"

" He is not the important one everyone is important Carissa "

" But he needs someone and that someone is you I've got draco and if he's not there I've got my self. harry doesn't trust him self he is so selfless he needs you dumbledoor yes he's got hermione Ron and ginny and others but he needs a guide "

" Okay thank you Carissa are you all packed to go home ?"

" Yes "

" Are you okay with going home ?"

" No but hey who cares ?"

" I care Carissa if you don't want to go back then tell me "

" No it's fine I will be fine " I smiled getting up from the chair and walking out draco was standing outside the door with our things

" Ready to go ?" He asked kissing my lips quickly

" Yeah sure " I smiled i grabbed his hand and we walked out of Hogwarts onto these carriages with horses pulling them we had one to our self then we came to the train.

" Where are you going to sit ?" He asked me

" I'm going to sit with harry but I will come and see you okay?"

" Okay that's fine" he smiled giving me a hug then he hopped onto the train and walked down to where crab and goyel were. I found hermione

" Hey " I smiled to her

" Well you've made it Carissa a year at hogwarts without getting expelled" she smiled

" I guess so but what shall next year bring ?"

" Hopefully a lot less but I seriously doubt that " she said as we got into the train we found harry and Ron sitting in one of the rooms

" Next year is going to be worse than this year , everything is kicking off now" I said

" I know " harry said

" Harry you have us there is no need to go through what you at alone okay?"

" Thanks Carissa dumbledoor has already spoken to me about that " he said smiling

"Good " I said we had a nice calm ride back to London I went to see draco a couple of times I also went around getting some peoples addresses so I could write to them which I'm extremely excited about because I've never done it before. The train finally arrives at platform 9 3/4 I grab all my things and put it in a trolley. I run through the wall with everyone else where we all stand together and wait for people to collect us. hermione is first , then Ron and harry , then Luna , then nevelle then crab and goyel then it's just me and draco.

" Draco !" I hear his mother yell I look around to see a tall woman running over , she pulls him into a hug

" Draco I'm so sorry this all happened to you its your fathers fault I didn't know how to stop him " she said crying a little

" Don't worry it's fine mother " he said smiling hugging her

" Carissa I am so sorry too " she said hugging me

" Oh it's fine mrs Malfoy " I said

" Mum Carissa is my girlfriend " he said holding my hand

" Oh how wonderful !" She said I laughed then they had to go home and sort life out which I understood then my 'family ' came. first the three care works sally , mike and Vicky. mike is the one who keeps an eye on me. and following them was the kids in the care home Adam , nyle , Stacey and amy they were about a year younger than me ,Tilly and Lucy who are 11 , Ryan and jasmine who are 5-6 then the little ones Aiden and lilly.

" Carissa !!!!" Lucy yelled running forward I smiled bending down and picking her up I spun her around. they don't know I am a witch they think I go to boarding schools to keep me inline

" Hey Lucy " I smiled putting her back down

" Hey Carissa how was it ?" Mike asked

" Good thanks " I sigh walking out of the train station

" Did you behave ?" He asked

" No" I say

" Have you been expelled ?"

" No "

" So you weren't that bad ?"

" Not this year maybe next year " I smirk

" Did you make friends ?"

" Yes I did "

" Did you meet any boys ?" Amy asked

" Yes I did " I say

" What about boyfriends ?" She asked

" Only 1" I say

" And you are still together ?" She asks shocked

" Yep "I smiled

" Ooooooohhhhhhh" they all say . we get to the van and drive back

" Your social worker is over " mike said

" What really ?" I asked whining

" Yes she needs to know how you got on" my social worker and mike know about me being a witch because when I started doing stupid things when I was little things started to come into place and then Bella's mum got involved ect it was a noisy ride home all I had were questions mostly about draco which they thought was a stupid name and when I showed the girls a photo of him they thought he was gorgeous. when we got home my social worker was already there waiting in the office. I walked in and sat down in front of her and mike

" Hello Carissa how was hogwarts ?" She asked

" It was good " I shrug

" Come on Carissa I've been reading the daily prophet I'm not stupid " she said and that's a fact she has eyes at the back of her head

" You have what does that lying news paper say?"

" A lot nicer things about harry and dumbledoor than it did before"

" Good I hate them " I spat

" It's only because of what they say about you or bella or - "

" Okay okay I get it "

" So what happened ?" Mike asked

" Erm " I said

" Carissa " she warned

" Fine it was good except I was nearly killed by worlds darkest wizard called voldemort "

" What? Are you sure you should be going back next year ?" He asked

" Hogwarts is the safest place for me anyway he won't kill me if I die he dies if he dies I become the worlds most powerful witch "

" What else happened ?" He asked

" Well my boyfriend draco -"

" Draco molfoy is your boyfriend ?" She asked

" Yes"

" How are you doing about Sirius ?" She asked me

The end

Thank you all for reading I hope everyone enjoyed it there shall be another one don't worry I'm already working on it !

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