authors note: I know i haven't written in a while, sorry about that! Any way i've fixed up a few mistakes in the last chapter, this is just a fill in chapter and shouldn't have anything bad or offencive on it.
fuckfuckshitfuckshitshitfuck! How am i ment to explaine these cuts to Lucifer (saiten) after last time? i let out an exhusted sigh, i didn't sleep all night because of that fucking dream... I really should ask someone about that. i walked out of my room after getting dressed in skinney jeans, an over-sized jumper and black converses. When i turned up to Lucifer's office Vic gave me a weak smile, i nodded in return, "Amy are you still having those dreams?" Lucifer said looking stern and like my farther looked when he picked me up from my old school when i got expeled from it. I didn't know how to react, so i just starred at him like 'are you serously asking me that?' "you are to have a day off today and see you family and friends from your old life, you are allowed to go up to them but they will think it was a dream or something, you are not to tell what it is like here you got that, have fun!" Lucifer finished before i could even process the information i was at my bestfriends couch, it smelled like him i smiled i missed him so much! He stumbled in to the room and saw me he suddenly looked angry and hurt he threw a beer bottle at my head, "What the hell Joe!" i said looking at him then he broke down i can't do this now i remember everything the loss, what was i thinking bringing that knife to my throat? i held Joe close "i-i missed you so much, why did you have to die?" he asked me i looked at him his lips still looked perfect even though he was a wreck, i saw blood dripping down the stairs i looked at him again, "where is that blood comming from Joe?" he turned a pale colour and sobbed into my shoulder, i stood u and lead myself to his room, there was a corps decending from his fan, dripping in blood..i could only just rreconize the reddend corps as my belovered friend "i'm so sorry Amy, i wanted to be with you.." Joe trailed off; this can't be happining why him couldn't his angel save him? Who was his angel i swerved around to see none other than the douch that taught me how to my job, his name is Jack he is a slob and never does what he is asked to do properly wich is why so many people die from- i can't even think of it like that... "What the hell Jack? When are you ever going to do your fucking job properly? maybe you could of just saved this one person, but n...why?" i screamed at him while crying Joe held me for a while, when i looked up i saw that the slob: i'm just going to call him that now becausse it sounds better: had dissappeared. i rolled my eyes and looked at my bestfriend "looks like I'm going to have to explain what happens now" he nodded, "you will be taken in for judging on weather or not you will be an angel if you arn't to be an angel and haven't reached your full potental you will be sent in for therapy, this stuff really works it reastores your soul, then you will be sent to hevan and will be put into a new body, i can't say what catagory you will be put in if you become an angel because it is different for everyone!" i explained "but you haven't reaced your full potental, i mean look at you!" Joe said sadly looking at me "i was different, they were going to send me back to earth but seeing me how i was after going there after five times Lucifer decided to adopt me, not that i call him dad but he is my boss and i am the first incharge of angels who are supposed to stop suicide, murder, self harm and so on." i said slowely so he could catch on, i maen it is all alot to take in. "come on, i'm taking you to judgement!" i said softly we were soon in a huge hall, i walked over to the front desk, "regestering Joe Inkeabal, commited suicide last night around fiveam age eaighteen son of Lucy and George Inkeabal." the office lady scribbled down the information and gave Joe a note and stamped his hand, "you need to goo down that hall you will meet Death and Life theredon't be afraid of them they will judge you . goodbye, i love you joe!" i said hugging him and leaving him with a soft kiss on the cheek and he was on his way,i'm going to miss him...alot!
Authors note: I hope you like it sorry i haven't posted anything in ages :P
Black Angel!
ParanormalAmy, a young 'black angel' who has fogotten her past life and is struggling to regain her memories. Amy's job is to save people from taking the eaisy way out of life. Saiten decides to get Amy to take care of a young boy called Vic and to teach him...