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Antonio stood at the door of a mansion-like house, containing more than a dozen different rooms and a towering balcony, surrounded by rose bushes. Ringing the doorbell, he was soon met with an exhausted Frenchman.

"Bonjour Antonio!" he said with a sudden burst of energy.

"Hey, Francis." came Antonio's monotone reply.

"Do come in, but mind Gilbert, he's drunk again. I'll go get the wine I've hidden from him."

Antonio drifted into the house, just as Gilbert was yelling something about Prussia. Walking slowly into the parlor, he saw an obviously drunk Gilbert with at least five beer cans scattered around him. What was unnatural, though, was the fact that Gilbert was sobbing. Full on, Fault in our Stars tears. Gilbert Beilschmidt, was crying.

"Um, Fracis, what happened to Gil?"

"That's what we need to talk about." Francis stated, standing at the door to the kitchen, wineglasses in hand. "We all are experiencing roadblocks in our relationships. And, well, Gilbert tried to ask Matthiew on a date."

"He got rejected?!"

"Well, no. Actually he chickened out. When he wen't to ask the boy, he lost the courage and stood there, frozen with the creepiest smile plastered on his face."

Gilbert groaned in the background, "Srry Mttie, I luvv you!"

"He was in really bad shape when I found him, so I brought him to my place. Idiot rumaged through my alcohol cabinet and got himself wasted. He even tried to go outside,  in the snow, in just his t-shirt to look for Mattie. Look, I was practcally Matthiew's older brother as a child, but I still wouldn't act as rash as that!" Francis explained. "So, tell me all that happened."

A/N: And scene! Oh, Auther-chan is such a tease. Will Antonio be able to tell his friend about Lovi? Find out next time in A Spamano Story?.

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