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It was a normal Saturday morning. Lovino woke up at ten, showered, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, and threw on an old t-shirt and jeans, before deciding to take a leisurely stroll in a nearby park. The cold Autumn air drifted past him, carrying orange and yellow leaves along on its way. Kicking some leaves along the way, Lovino let his mind drift to his boyfriend of two weeks. Did Tony really love him, or was he just playing some sick joke on the boy? Lovino never thought Antonio would be into guys, seeing as how he always seemed to be surrounded by girls. Of course, he could be Bi, but it still didn't fit him. Antonio had been a class A womanizer from the day Lovino met him.

Lovino suddenly spotted a man with spiky silver-white hair sitting on a park bench chatting with a blonde and a (perfect, sexy, handsome) brunette. Oh great, the three amigos.

Ducking behind a nearby tree, Lovino started eavesdropping on his boyfriend and his friends. Close to the three, but still well hidden, he could make out their conversation with few mistakes.

"Mon Cher, I am so happy for you! Congratulations on winning Lovino over!" Exclaimed the ever so annoying blonde pervert.

"Ja, good job Mr. Romantic! Do you think you could use those magic love powers to help me win Mattie over?"

"Thanks, and sorry Gilbert, those 'powers' don't exist. I was just lucky that Lovi has mutual feelings for me. Although, I have hurt Lovi very badly, and well, I don't know if he'll recover. I regret so many things that I've done to him. Gilbert, promise me that no matter what you will never hurt Matthew intentionally in any way."

"I wouldn't!"

"That's what I told Bella before this mess started. I love Lovi so much that I tried to hurt him to make him come to me. Only after the fact did I realize the amount of pain I was causing him. No one deserves to suffer that much, especially not someone you love."

Lovino sighed, so this is what Antonio thought. He really was a good guy. Even though he had severely damaged Lovino's heart, Lovi still loved him. After all, he never planned to hurt him. He only wanted to make Lovino jealous and win him over. Lovino had to remind himself that Antonio was just a man, and men make mistakes. Antonio deserved a chance, and Lovino was prepared to give him one.

A/N: I hope this quenches your thirst. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I guess I've lost a little interest in this story, but I will keep writing for you guys!😄😘

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