Kagamine Love Story

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In Vocaloid High, there were mirror images, well two pairs of mirror images. The original was Rin and Len Kagamine, those two were so close, like siblings, but really, Rin has a HUGE crush on Len. While Len only thinks of her as a younger sister. On the flip side, Rinto was competing with a lot of men for the heart of Lenka, and by a lot, I mean Mikuo. It's a triangle, even though Rinto and Mikuo constantly fight over Lenka, Lenka hangs more with Rinto other than Mikuo, they only hang out when Mikuo actually asks her. When Rinto and Lenka transferred to Vocaloid High, Len starts to feel something for Lenka, something that he never felt before, he thought it was love. It grew a lot whenever he hangs out with her, which was a lot. This made Rin jealous and Rinto disappointed, Rinto always knew that he can never compete with Len, he'll lose from the very start. Len was planning on confessing, how will Rin and Rinto react to that?

"H-Hey Lenka", Len greeted, Lenka walked towards him with a smile, "So what did you wanna tell me?". Meanwhile Rin was in the bushes spying like a stalker, and Rinto was just walking by, he saw Rin and walked towards her. "What are you doing?", he asked, making Rin yelp, but the banana lovers didn't hear her luckily, "Rinto Kagamine! Why did you scare me?", she asked quietly. "I didn't mean to, just why're you like, hiding with a pair of binoculars?", he asked, as he picked up the binoculars. Rin grabbed the binoculars back, "It's none of your business", "I should know Rin, you are technically me", Rinto said, making Rin think for a while. "True.....-", "It's Len, isn't it?", he cut her off, her eyes widen and a deep blush spread across her face, "N-No it isn't- yes, actually....", she admitted, Rinto placed a hand on her shoulder, "I feel the same, Lenka has been hanging around him lately", he said. Rin groaned in ignorance, and looked back at the banana lovers. "I-I wanna tell you something", she heard Len say, he took a step closer to Lenka, "Yeah Len?", she asked. "I-I like you Lenka, m-more as a friend", he said, Rin's heart broke as she heard that, she stood up and ran out of sight, Rinto saw this and followed after her.

"Len, I like you too, but not in that way, I'm sorry", she said, with a sorry face, Len's face dropped but he smiled at her. "I forgive you, i-it's okay", he said, she gave a worried face, "A-Are you sure, you'll be alright?", she asked. He nodded, "I'll be alright Lenka, still friends?", he asks, holding out his hand, Lenka took it and shook it, "Still friends". As they broke the hand shake, Len asked, "So who do you really like?", Lenka's cheeks turned red, she hid her face within the hood she was wearing. Len chuckled at her reaction, "Who is it, Lenka?", he asked playfully, Lenka peaked out and looked at him. "R-Rinto......", she replied, Len eyes widen as he pet her head, "Rinto loves you back, obviously, you should tell him", "H-He hangs out with Rin more often", was her only response. Len felt his heart shatter a bit, "He hangs with Rin?", he asks, she gave a small nod before looking around. In the corner of her eye, she can see two blondes with hairs pins, "Well, I should be heading home, Len", she said, placing her hoodie over her head, "Oh, yeah right, I'll see ya at school?", "Yeah, I'll see ya at school".

The two separated paths, Len walked to his house while Lenka walked to hers. On her way, she can feel stares and people looking around at her, she felt the suspense and walked faster. Then she heard footsteps, she began to run towards her house, then the footsteps became really close, until she felt a hand yanking her into the alleyway. "Agh", she exclaimed as she crashed unto the ground, she looked up and saw a gang of men surrounding her. "Look at who we have here, a pretty lady walking alone?", one of them asked, Lenka stood up and walked a little backwards. "Don't be scared lady, we won't do any harm to you", another one said, as they walked closer to the poor girl, "S-Stay away!", she said, as she grabbed a sword from one of her music videos from her bag. The boys laughed and threw the thing away from her reached, "Hey!", she exclaimed, they soon walked closer to her, one of them threw her bag away from her reach so that she won't get any other weapons . "D-Don't go near those, s-stay away from me!", she said, walking back, soon her back touching the wall. They yanked her hair, pulling it out of it's natural ponytail, they pulled off her hoodie forcefully and slammed her against the wall. "No more weapons girly, you're ours now", "Not on my watch..!", a voice was heard, Lenka's vision was not as clear, since they slammed her on the wall so hard, they dropped her on the ground. They kicked her stomach as she yelled in pain, she can make out a silhouette of a boy about her age. He punched the man out of the way and fought off the others. He looked down at Lenka who was about to lose consciousness, he grabbed her bag and placed it around his shoulder, then carried Lenka bridal style before her vision faded to black.

Meanwhile as Len walked home, the house was quiet, too quiet, "Rin, are you here?!", he yelled, but no one answered. He placed his bag on the couch in the living room and ran upstairs, he looked into his room and it was empty. He looked over to Rin's room, supposed to be a messy mountain of clothes, but it was clean when he entered, he began to worry. He went over to the bathroom and turned the knob, he walked in and he couldn't believe what he saw. An unconscious Rin on the floor with blood spilling out of her wrist, he picked her up immediately and brought her into his room, because that's where all the first aid stuff is. He laid her on his bed and worked immediately on her wrist and arms. He checked her pulse, she was alive, which made him sigh with relief, tears spilled with worry as he did this, when he finished cleaning and treating her wounds. He knelt down beside his bed, waiting for her to wake up, he held unto her hand in the process. He then felt her hand move, he looked up and saw her with her eyes slightly opened, "Rin!", he exclaimed, he hugged her close to him, making Rin shocked. "L-Len?! W-What are you-", "I thought I would lose you", he cut her off, he hugged her more tightly afterwards. Her cheeks tinted pink as he said those words, he broke the hug and looked at her, she saw the tear stains that were on his face. Her eyes widen as she saw this, and they were more wide when he swooped in and kissed her right, square on the lips. Rin was so confused, so she didn't kiss back, he broke the kiss, "Len, why did you-", "I love you Rin", he cut her off again, Rin's eyes were kinda wide, but not as wide as before, "But what about Lenka?", "She didn't feel the same, so we went the rest of our days as friends", Len replied. Rin looked at him and hugged him tightly, "I love you too, Len", she said as she hid her face in the crook of his neck. Len hugged her back, tightly, "I know", the two stayed in that position until Miku came in to visit with Gumi behind her.

Lenka opened her eyes slightly, and she saw that she was in a white room, was she dead? But she heard beeping beside her, her vision became clear and turns out she was in the hospital. She looked over to her side and saw a pile of blonde hair sleeping on a chair with his head on the bed. She smiled, she placed her weak hand on his head, Rinto took notice and jolted his head up. He looked at Lenka and held her week hand, "How are you feeling?", he asked her, she smiled, "Painful, but I can at least talk", she said with a small laugh afterwards. Rinto laughed with her, then frowned, "The doctor said you have to stay here for a week or so, you took a real beating", he said, Lenka's smile weaken, but didn't fade. "Will you stay here?", she asked, he smiled, "I'll never leave, unless they kick me out", he joked, Lenka laughed. The two then bonded from the lost time that hey didn't had for a long time. "I love your smile", Rinto said, making her blush a lot, "And your blush", he continued. Her blush grew at his words, "Do you know what else I love?", he asked, she looked at him confused, but still flustered, "You", he finished.

Days went by, Rinto was the one who visited Lenka more often then the others. The others were Kaiko, Rin, Len, Miku, Gumi, Luka, Meito and Luki. Mikuo was not informed that Lenka was in the hospital, because he'll go insane and rush to her more than Rinto, so they won't tell him.

~Happy Ending!!!~

A week has passed, Lenka was out of the hospital, with a wheelchair, Rinto was the one who always moved it for her. Ever since that day, the two started dating, but still, Mikuo was not informed. Rin and Len are also in a relationship, they all met up in front of the school with Miku, Gumi and the others. "There's Lenka!", Miku exclaimed, the others turned and saw the wheelchaired girl. Mikuo was there, so..."Lenka?! What happened to you?! Did you get hurt?! Did Rinto do anything about it?!", he asked as he ran towards her, Lenka gave him an amused face while Rinto just glared. Gumi laughed, Luki and Luka facepalmed, Rin and Len sighed, Kaito and Kaiko didn't care because they were taking care of their drunk partners. Miku, she glared so hard at Mikuo. "Lenka's fine, Mikuo, no need to worry, I kept her safe", Rinto said, Mikuo glared daggers at Rinto and walked away. Miku eventually hit her brother with a leek, and the two had a leek fight. Rin and Len walked towards Rinto and Lenka with smiles on their faces. "You two doing good?", Len asked, as he intertwined his fingers with Rin, "We're great, thanks for asking", Lenka replied, as Rinto's hand landed on her shoulder. "How about all of us go on a double date this weekend?", Rin suggested, they all smiled, "Sure!", they all responded.

The summary of the story?
Rin loves Len and Len loves Rin, Lenka and Rinto love each other. Mikuo lost, Miku has her chances, Gumi feels lonely, Kaito and Kaiko love their drunk partners and Luki and Luka have people crushing on them.

The End!

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