Mirrors Can Be Nightmares To People Especially If You Don't Like What You See

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         That night Mabel had a terrible nightmare to day the least.

         She was standing back at the unicorns' liar but it was dark. Moonlight spilt through the stained glass windows and fell to the ground offering the only light to see by. The shadows grew longer and longer as if they were trying to swallow her whole. There would be the occasional rustle in the trees or bushes but as soon a Mabel turned they were gone. The air was unusually cold for a summer night, and soon Mabel could see her breath. 

          A whisper echoed around the room and sounded like it was going around the room in circles but there was no body to go with the voice. "You drank the blood, now you'll pay for it!"

           "I didn't drink any blood ever!" She yelled as she tried to run, "aside from my own." She mumbled that last part under her breath. 

          "Then the blood you drank is now your own!" The voice yelled and the three unicorns from before formed out of shadows. 

          "Our blood is in you," they said in unison with their eyes glazed over.

         Mabel ran past the shadow unicorns and they dissolved into black smoke. She ran out of the structure and into what would be the forest. Instead of the normal woods that she was used to, the trees were bare and had yellow eyes that were gleaming at her as she ran through them. She collapsed onto the ground in pain. 

          The shadow unicorns reappeared in front of her, "Suffer your fate!" They cried at her and then dissolved again.

           Pain shot up her spine and her eyes grew wide. She felt like her legs were being ripped apart and her ears thrown into a blender put on chop. A ringing filled her ears and infected her mind. She felt a trickle of blood fall from her open mouth and onto her sweater. She moaned in agony. She felt looked she was longer some how and then something spring out of her just below three waist. She screamed in pain and fear and began to cry. Whatever sprang out of her before, grew longer and longer. In the center of her forehead, a spiking pain jabbed in her. Just when she thought it was done, it felt like something had grabbed the back of her lower half and the front of her lower half, and pulled her like she was a rag doll. She was helpless to do anything other than lay there and scream. She just wanted to wake up from this nightmare. Then the pain subsided, leaving her with a dull sore pain. 

            Her eyes then whipped open with a scream. She was awake. Dipper stirred in the bed next to hers. 

            "You ok?" He asked half asleep and clearly concerned for his sister. 

            "Y-yeah, bad dream," she replied shaking.  

             "Ok, do you wanna talk about it?" 

             "I'd rather not," she said knowing that he was tired. 

              He nodded but it being the middle of the night and dark, she didn't see it. Then he fell back into his dream filled sleep. 

              A few minutes later, Mabel got up to get some water, knowing that she wouldn't be going back to sleep anytime soon. She removed the layer of blankets to reveal something highly out of the ordinary for Mabel, or anyone in general. 

             Wendy had just woken up from a nightmare that would haunt anyone. It was the same as Mabel's. In every way identical, except she was in Mabel's position. Both were in the same position, both felt the same things that the other had felt, both had the same thing happen to them. And neither would be to overjoyed about it. 

             Mabel ripped off her blankets to find that she was no longer human. 

             Now, she had the body of a horse stuck to her waist where her legs should have ben. it was white with a pinkish tint to it and a bright pink underbelly.  She couldn't see it very well in the dark, but for what she did see, it was bizarre. Her hooves were a bright shiny pink. She screamed waking Dipper again. 

              Wendy woke up breathing heavily, but did not scream like Mabel. She had a bad feeling about what had just happened, and thought it would be best too check her legs. She found the same as Mabel. Her body, was a pale, almost white green color and her underbelly was the same shade of green as her flannel that she wore everyday. Her legs ended in a different color than the rest of her horse body that came up halfway below the knee, looked like a aqua that leaned a bit more towards green on the color wheel. Her hooves where a shiny pitch black. 

               She didn't scream or do anything for that matter. She just froze blinking and staring for at least a minute. 

                Finally, she got up and put her front hooves on the floor making a clacking noise against the floor making her cringe. Then her back, and attempted to walk to a mirror. At first she fell, but then was able to regain her balance and walk again. 

                She scrambled over to her mirror, and found that she now had a horn the same color as he coat. Her ears were in the same situation. Gawking, she stared back at her reflection, lifting her hands. One to her left ear, and the other to the tip of her horn. The horn was hard and sore to the touch like a bruse. Her ears felt stiff and furry and flicked involuntarily when she touched them. 

                "What the... I must be dreaming," she whispered to herself, "either that file I'm going insane." She knew that she was awake, and not insane of course, but she just didn't want to admit it. In denial, she fell back onto her bed and curled up into a ball, not wanting to accept what she was. Easily, she fell back asleep unwilling to deal with this now. 

                  "Mabel! Are you sure you're ok?" Dipper a s med jumping up out of his bed.

                  "No,"she replied not taking her eyes off of her legs. Dipper ran over. 

                  He gasped, "M-Mabel, you're a-a unitaur." 

                  "Where did you get the unicorn part from?" She asked nervously.

                  "Let's uh get you to a mirror," he said taking her hand. Mabel put her front and then her back hooves on tree he floor. She stood fine, but when she walked she started to fall. Dipper grabbed her before she could fall completely to the floor, and probably wake up Stan in the process.

                    "You ok?" He asked.

                    "Aside from being half unicorn, yeah, I'm fine," she said regaining her balance.

                    They walked  into the bathroom and switched on the light. In the mirror, she found a horn sticking out of her head. It was the same pink as her coat. Her ears, also were no longer human. 

                     "D-dipper, what h-happened t-to me?" 

                     "I don't know, but we're going to find out and fix this." Mabel nodded grabbing her horn sticking out of her hairline. When she tapped it on the tip it released a golden glow.

                     "We are definitely fixing this," she said lowering her hand to her side. 

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