Not Getting Enough Sleep? Dreams and Coffee Can Help With That!

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             As morning settled down onto the rickety building that is the Mystery Shack, one by one, it's inhabitants woke. The first of these being Ford. He never did get the amount of sleep that he probably should. I mean who can run on only four hours of sleep and still function, I mean besides internet addicted teenagers and fangirls and boys. But that's a whole 'nother story that we are most definitely not getting into. You know, people who live in glass houses. Anyways, Ford made himself some of the discount off brand coffee that Stan usually bought. While he waited for the coffee to brew, he thought about the problem and how to fix it. He had been up re re going over his journals to just make sure he had nothing on something on rentering dreams, or unicorn blood in general. Needless to say, he found nothing. But he did suspect he would anyways. Even his page on unicorns was useless.

           He sat down at the table and closed his eyes taking in the sounds of the shack in all it's morning glory. Something he typically didn't do but with all the Bill stress and now this,  He felt that he needed a moment to sort out his thoughts. It didn't work. He kept getting hung up on that dang rift. The glimpse that Bill had shown him those many years ago, had left an... Well let's just call it an impression. And is it was as Bill had offhandedly mentioned, his rough draft. Help us all, he thought to himself. 

            Next, was Wendy, she fell back asleep after looking at the ceiling above the couch. Her first thought was, great, unicorn problems start now. She didn't feel like getting up then. 

            Then Dipper. He looked over at Mabel, her hooves would move occasionally but aside from that and the whole unicorn thing, she looked rather peaceful. He felt bad for her. She was said now mixed with something that she hated, it would be like him being mixed with a demon like Bill. He wished that he could make her human again and that he could take back those things he said To her last night. 

             He grabbed his journal out of his vest  then quietly tip toed across the floor and to the door and into the room on the other side of it. He sat next to the red stained glass window and began to read. He had of course read and reread the whole thing countless times, but he couldn't help look for that one thing he missed, that one hidden page, that one over looked or hidden code, that one clue. But alas, nothing. He stayed there for a while.

            Then it was Stan but he didn't do anything real exciting besides taking a shower.

             After that, Mabel. She woke up and looked over to find Dipper gone. She didn't fret to much. She heard him flipping pages in a book in the other room. She slid her first pair of hooves onto the floor scowling at them. Then she stood on them and walked forward until she could also use her back ones. She walked into the other room and sat down next to Dipper. 

             "Morning," she said causing Dipper to look up from the old musty book. 

              "Morning. How'd you sleep?" 

               "Fine, and now I'm ready to find a solution to being a unicorn because being one sucks!" She stood up and put one fist in the air and the other on her hip. She looked down at Dipper who seemed surprised to see her do that. She cleared her throat and sat back down, "Did I take up too much room on the beds?"

               "No. I slept the same as I always do," that was a lie, he slept awfully. Mabel took up practically the entire bed and was kicking him in her sleep off and on the whole night. He didn't want her to feel bad about it so he didn't tell her.

               "So, Ford something about going back into Wendy's or my dream today or something?"

               "Yeah I think."

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