Whineys Of Pain And Laughter Sound Similar

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          What do I do now? Wendy though to herself as she sat on her bed to the best of her ability. This was definitely going to take some getting used to. She lowered her head down to her crossed arms, and stabbing her right arm in the process with her horn drawing blood. She looked down to see that her cut wasn't red like it would normally be, now it was rainbow like a unicorn's. Crap, she thought, now even my bloods not even human now. The voice in my dream said something about me drinking blood, what dose it think I am vampire or something? But it has to mean something. 

          "Wendy! I'm going to work! Get up!" Her dad yelled through the wooden door. She froze. Her family could not know she decided. They weren't exactly used to seeing the supernatural a lot, especially if it was Wendy. 

          "I already am," she yelled still frozen. She heard the creaking of the floor boards as he walked away. She released a breath that she was unaware that she was holding. Getting up off her bed, she came up with the idea to go to work. Dipper and Mabel would help her she thought. And if nothing else, they would be a bit more used to seeing stuff like this. 

           "Ok, Mabel, do you remember anything that in anyway could have done this to you?" Dipper asked as he paced around the room next to Mabel so that she could get a bit more used to walking with four legs. 

            "Not that I know of, but this is Gravity Falls, anyging can hadplen, Dipper. The only thing I can really think of, is unicorns," she said tapping her horn.

             "That brings us to another point, can do anything with your horn? Also, watch where you put that thing, you could take an eye out!" He yelled as Mabel turned her head almost stabbing his forehead. 

               "Ya mean like this?" She said lowering her head like a charging bull, her sharp horn aimed at her brother.

               "Mabel, no don't," he said steeping back.

              "Dipper, I'm coming to get you!" Mabel said beginning to charge. 

              Dipper ran across the room attempting to get away from Mabel's path of destruction. 

             "Mabel!" Dipper yelled as she eventually caught up to him and started to lightly poke him, which led into her ticking him. Obviously, she wasn't stupid, she knew that her horn was sharp. 

            "Well, if that's how you wanna play then," he said flipping her off of him and onto her back with her legs sticking up into the air. Dipper began to tickle her pink underbelly. Mabel laughed uncontrollably just like Dipper had before. They were both laughing so loud that they did not hear the phone ring. Her legs thrashed in the air violently as Dipper dodged her hot pink hooves. Her loud laughs then turned into uncontrollable whineys. Her hand flew to her mouth and away from trying to fight Dipper's. 

            Dipper leaned back onto his knees giving her a quizzical look, "What the heak was that?"

            "I don't know!" Mabel said with her hands still covering her mouth, " but, let's make sure that doesn't happen again, that was weird."

             "Good, we're in agreement," he said standing up and reaching his hand down to help Mabel up. She grabbed his hand and was yanked up. 

             "So let's see what that horn can do besides almost get me impaled." 

            "Kids! You need to come down now!" Stan yelled up the stairs. 

           "Wait her, I'll tell him that you're sick or something and bring some food up,"  Dipper whispered.

           "Ok, just bring up a box of Sugar Owls or something," she said flopping onto her bed, but soon slid off it since her legs wouldn't fit on it. 

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