Part 1: Open Road

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"Come on Tara, it will be fun!" insists Kate with a killer pout plastered on her face.

"But our biology project--"

"Isn't due for another week! So let's go!" inputs Alex from my bedroom door.

She has been impatiently bouncing foot to foot as I continue to stubbornly refuse my friends proposal. Sunday is not a good day for a road trip. I have homework, studying and chores. There are so many things to be done on a Sunday.

"We haven't done anything together in ages, and all of your excuses have been overruled. Let's just go, we won't be too long. we could even have you back for supper." Kate bargains. "Riley agreed to go! Doesn't that mean anything?"

Riley is considered the second most responsible one of our group, I am clearly the first. But they have a point, we haven't gotten together in ages. Kate is a pretty safe driver, she's the only one in our group with a full licence and hasn't given us any reasons not to trust her.

"Alright." I finally give in. They all cheer and Alex happily skips out the door. Road trip here we go! No one knows where we're going, but that's alright.

After about 50 badly sung songs and a solid 30 minutes of pointless gossip, we're ready for our first stop. Kate simply pulls over on the side of the road. Riley and Alex leave the vehicle desperate for a bathroom break. Kate and I however are content with waiting in the car. Within 5 minutes both return to the car laughing.

"Ready to go?" Kate asks while putting her wavy blonde hair in a mess of a bun.

"No way dude! There is a perfect clearing just through the tree line." Riley exclaims.

"Perfect for what?" I inquire, although I'm pretty sure I know where this is going.

Alex starts digging around in the trunk. "Perfect-- for a-- picnic" She replies while struggling with something. None of us had any complaints, we were getting food after all.

As soon as Kate and I join the others outside the vehicle something feels off to me. I stand staring at the trees, the ground and the bright grass lining the edge of the road. Nothing looks wrong, but something isn't right.

"Are you coming Tara?" Riley calls from up the path.

I sigh and follow the sounds of my friends laughter.

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