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Calvin P.O.V.

I spent about an hour in town picking out the perfect flowers and chocolate for Taylor. I sped home after shopping and hopped in the shower, over viewing what my night would look like. After the shower I put on a pear of black jeans, a gray shirt, and my black leather jacket. Looking at the time I found it was already 5:45 and I wanted to me Taylor around. I threw some jell my hair and ran out the door.

On the way over to Taylor's I grabbed In and Out for us to eat. Once I was there I slowly walked up to front door. Then I took a deep breath, and knocked. Taylor opened the door a few moments later, tissue in her hand and red, wet eyes. All I wanted to do was drop the gifts in my hands and pull her into a kiss, but I restrained myself. It hurt me to see her hurt, but it hurt even more knowing I was the reason.

"Can we talk?" I asked holding up my gifts for her. She gave me a simple nod and lead me into her kitchen were I first found her and Harry fighting. I blocked that out of my mind and set the gifts on the counter. Just as I turned around Taylor was behind me. I looked down into her eyes and she looked up into mine. We could have stood there like that forever. Then what seemed like minutes later Taylor grabbed my neck just as I grabbed her waist and we pulled together into a kiss. I couldn't help but feel over joyed. Before I knew it we were making out like nothing had ever happened. We found ourselves on the couch once we finally let go.

"Nice talk." She said looking into my eyes then getting off me to sit down. I sat up to take of my jacket and leaned in for one more kiss. "Now would you really like to know what happened?" She asked petting Olivia.

"Sure." She explained to me how lonely she was after I left for Scotland and how no one was in town. Then she told me how Harry showed up just to talk then how she thought he drugged her and how she doesn't know if anything after that. "Taylor i'm so sorry. I didn't realize how lonely you would be." I said apologizing.

"Oh, it's ok. Your here know and that's all that matters!"  She said scooting closer to me.

"I'll make it up to you I promise." I the kissed her on the head. "On a completely unreated note, do you know where Harry is now?"

"No. Why?"

"Well, I need to go kick his ass, that's why!" I looked down at her. She let out a laugh and looked down at the ground.

"Love you Adam." Taylor Said looking up at me.

"I love you too babe." I gave her a kiss and got lost in her eyes again.

I knew that she loved me and that I loved her and that it would never change.

I knew our Love was Unconditional.

Unconditional Love - A Tayvin short storyWhere stories live. Discover now