©2025 BLI Industries Inc.

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Welcome to Better Living Industries, where dreams can be fulfilled, if your monetary ranking is deemed acceptable. We at Better Living Industries have been dedicated to a clean and structured lifestyle since the great fires of 2012. Bleaching the Zones and the quantitative analysis of the population have been effective means of ridding you, the consumer, of the unwanted waste. We, the organization, firmly believe in the sanctity of monochromaticism. By organizing the organisms we have revealed life's true hidden values and discovered ways to attain and monetize that value. So ask yourself this, "Why Try?" Simply kick back and let BLI wash the grime out of your world. You have the means, you live to buy, why not buy to live a color-free existence.

Through commerce and the correct combination of medication BLI has to offer, you too can be a happy well adjusted part of the populous. Long gone are the inefficient days when the consumer needed love, sex, makeup, or reassurance... these lustful idiosyncrasies left you feeling empty, tired, and weak. But now, you too can be fulfilled! Fill your heart with synthetic happiness, erase pain with ease, digitize your memories, and protect your interests with customizable blasters all at our one stop shop. Don't let the world get you down. Instead, bring the world down to your level!

Tired from a long day out on the Zones? Need a few laughs? Dinner and a beer with an old friend? Don't be silly. These antique emotions are worthless and in the long run will never fully complete you! Human contact is pointless and holds no equity. Can you resell a friendship? Can you trade in your mothers love for a transportation upgrade? No, you can not. When the people we claim to love fade, their price point becomes null and void. Never again waste precious time building false cathedrals. 9 out of 10 relationships conclude leaving little to no resale value and end up weighing the consumer down.

Better Living Industries is the only friend you will ever need, and with no emotional strings attached our medicinal companionship package will never leave you longing for true love or affection ever again. So curl up next to a warm blaster, pop a capsule, and thank the heavens for the corporation who cares for you...in an affordable little bottle!

Join the BLI Medication of the month club and try new mental vacations every week. Take a trip through time and space all while never leaving the comfort of your BLI sleep pod. Don't pack a bag, no need for airfare folks, leave your troubles behind and let BLI medications take care of the rest. 5star pills now available, treating your psyche to never before experienced levels of comfort and cosmopolity. At BLI Retinal Resorts everyone is famous, kick off your boots and take a pill. We look forward to treating you.

You may say, "OK BLI, well it seems like you have everything i could ever need in this life taken care of, but what about my needs after this life? Surely Better Living industries has not thought of everything?" Well ladies and gentleman, we wouldn't call it a one stop shop if we didn't! So when talking with a BLI representative about your Reality Dependance don't forget to ask him/her about our brand new Soul Protection Plan. You trust us with every aspect of your lives, why not your afterlife? Let BLI be your God, sign up now to secure your place at the right hand side of the future!

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