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Hey Guys! So, I put Ashcroft B. back into action! He has returned as a very powerful Ethimian. Oh, and sorry for not updating for so long. Also, I added another fact: since the ethimian project started, the government started changing rank names to latin but most soldiers preferred english since they've gotten used to it.

Guys, lots of things to explain, so I will be explaining them on the next chapter.


Ashcroft Beaman

I was walking around the camp as the preafectus (commander in latin ) when the evo came. I was strolling around camp checking for troublemakers, slackers and irresponsible officers. I would go around glaring whoever I spotted who were not following the camp rules. I didn't say anything because I knew my glare would've been enough to make them go home with their tail between their legs and scream "MOMMY!" Every two seconds.

I was quite enjoying seeing the horrified faces of the unlucky people I caught, so I was seriously annoyed when an explosion was heard to the north and reports started coming to me from different captains. "OKAY OKAY, I get it. So would you people stop annoying me?" I said loudly.

I ordered immediate evacuation of all units and to scramble all of the vanguard to intercept the evo. When I was about halfway to my destination, another wave of reports came in saying more evo from the south are coming. So I ordered all of the vanguard to the south while I would deal with the ones in the north. I thought about my orders to my soldiers. Did I do good as a leader? Did they only follow me out of fear? Will I really be able to handle the evos on the north side of camp?

Then I saw them. About twenty class A were demolishing our camp while some soldiers were desperately trying to escape. The class A evos were a little bit shorter than a kilometer, but still undeniably very tall. Of course, being the gentleman I am, I immediately set off to save the survivors of the assault.

As I sprinted on to the position of the evos, I made a large mobile tank and I jumped into it. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM the noise was death defying as I fired using the oversized semi automatic S.T.I.N.G.E.R. cannons available on the tank. The sound of crackling evo material was so sweet and satisfying.

I hollered and yelled as six of the evo's faces were caved in by the cannon. I jumped out before one of them pulverised my tank with a laser cannon on it's body.

My hand was starting to tingle as I started to create a sword, A BIG ONE to be exact. The sword I summoned was big. It was about a meter and a half and was thick on the blunt side but very sharp on the other side. It had a line pattern on it that added to the awesomeness of the weapon. I worked my way up the tall figure of the first evo I was able to reach. Once on top, I screamed profanities before proceeding on stabbing the evo's face off. I laughed like a maniac as I jumped on the next one and doing the same thing I did to the other evo.

I laughed as my killing frenzy went off. I hacked and slashed until I realized all of the evo were gone. See, here is the problem: the more powerful you are, the more mentally unstable you become on a fight.

An ethimian's rank is judged by his strength. And can only create one type of weaponry and its quantity. I am considered special because I can make both close and long range weapons in a large quantity and heavy class weapons at that. Example: THE TANK and the sword.

The problem in this defense is because most of the recruit corps still did not know how to control or create their weapons. If they were able to use them, then it was a miracle. The vanguard was a trained unit that was sent to protect the recruits but they were just recruits that had just graduated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2013 ⏰

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