Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning with tear stained cheeks. Oh Jesus, I didn't wipe my makeup off, I'm positive I look like a baby Panda right now.

I kissed Chris's cheek and wiggled from his embrace, I jumped down from the bunk and landed softly on the floor.

I grabbed my overnight bag and slung it over my shoulder, I quickly wrote a note saying i'd gone back to my bus before I left. I shut the door softly behind me because all the guys were still asleep.

Where the fuck is the bus? I pulled my hood up and started looking. I found it and everyone was sat outside.

"Why are you all out here?' I asked pulling out a cigarette.

"Andy's in a bad mood" Chloe replied.

I nodded my head and put the cigarette behind my ear and walked onto the bus. The bathroom door was shut so he must be in there.

"Andy?" I asked knocking on the door. No reply.

"Andy, please come out, I just wanna talk" No answer.

I tried opening the door but it was locked. I pulled out my hair clips and tried opening the door with them.

It worked, I heard sniffling and saw Andy facing the wall his back to me.

"Andy, are you okay?" I asked shutting the door behind me.

He shook his head as blood started to drip on the floor.

"Andy..." I trailed off.

He turned around and his wrist was sliced open.

"Andy!" I screamed as he stood up.

"I'm sorry Scar" He whimpered as he fell to the floor.

I dropped to my knees and cradled him in my arms.

"Andy, why?" I cried as he grabbed my hand.

"Because I found out about TJ and Katie" He choked out.

I shook my head and sobbed.

"But Andy, you're my best friend. I love you!" I cried as sirens were heard in the distance.

"Scarlet, you can do this without me. I've never been any use to any one" He said finding it hard to breath.

"Andy you mean everything to me! Please!" I screamed as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Scarlet Rosa Marie, I love you with all my heart. But this scar shall not heal" He said as his body went limp.

"Andy!" I screamed shaking him.

"Miss, we need you to leave" A paramedic said lifting me off the floor and off of the bus.

"Scar? What happened!?" TJ asked running over to me.

"Don't ever fucking speak to me again! Andy is DEAD because of YOU! Fucking DEAD!" I sobbed taking of to the Motionless RV.

I ran through the door to come face to face with Balz.

"Scar? What's wrong? Why are you crying!?" He asked pulling me into a tight hug.

"Andy's dead" I sobbed into his chest.

"He's what!?" He asked pulling me down onto the sofa.

"Katie cheated on him with TJ, Andy found out just after they broke up. He went into a bad mood and sliced open his wrist" I cried.

The RV door opened then shut. Footsteps were coming towards us.

"Scarlet baby, you okay?" I heard Chris ask pulling me out of Balz's embrace.

"Dude, I don't think she wants to talk about it. Andy's dead" Balz said.

"He's dead!?" Chris whisper yelled.

"Yes, Katie was cheating on him with TJ. Andy found out and sliced his wrist open" I whispered into Chris's chest.

"You wanna talk to your Uncle again don't you?" Balz asked pulling me from Chris's warm embrace.

I nodded as he pulled me off the RV. He handed me his phone and I dialled the number.


"Hey Uncle Matt, it's Scarlet".

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