Chapter 14

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The guys finished their show and we were now on our way home.

Everyone was asleep apart from me, Kylie, Jessica and Allie.

Korel was driving, and all us girls were sat talking.

"So what are you doing when you get home?" Allie asked me.

"Getting some new tattoos and shit, what about you?"

"Nothing, I'm boring as fuck" She pouted.

I giggled as I saw Chris walk out front.

He held out his arms and I said goodnight to the girls.

I stood up and walked over to Chris.

He lifted me up and I closed my eyes.

"I'm so tired, how much longer until we're home?" I yawned as Chris placed me in the bunk.

"Another 3 hours I think" He said which caused me to groan.

He got in the bunk and closed the curtain.

"Just go to sleep and when you wake up, we'll be home" He smiled and kissed my forehead.

I nodded and closed my eyes, drifting to sleep.


I woke up and stretched slightly. Pulling out my phone, I saw I had only slept an hour.

I got out of the bunk and pulled on a hoodie. Zipping it up I pulled out some clothes to get changed into.

Ricky and Jess were up too, so I wasn't the only one that couldn't sleep.

"Hey, can't sleep?" Ricky asked and I shook my head.

"I haven't been able to sleep a lot lately" I explained and started to do my makeup.

"Maybe you should go get it checked out, you might just need some pills or something" Jess said as she pulled on her hoodie.

I shrugged and shut the bathroom door so I could get changed.

I got changed and walked out of the bathroom.

Ricky and Jessica were sat next to each other on the couch.

"Hey hey hey" I giggled and plopped down on the couch.

"We got some dates for the UK tour" Ricky explained.

"Oh cool what dates?"

"Through September" He frowned slightly.

"I know why you're frowning"

"You do?" He asked.

"Is it because one of the dates is my birthday?"

He nodded and I shrugged.

"That makes my birthday even better, I'm on tour with you fuckers"

"Are you coming?" He asked as I sat I his lap.

"Fuck yeah! I love touring" I spoke and braided his hair.

Jessica giggled and took a photo of us both.

My phone vibrated and I looked to see she'd put it on Instagram.

'@jessicahhx: These two idiots make me smile @rickyhorrorx @justanothertroubledsoul'

"N'awwwww" I cooed and Jessica burst out laughing.

"You're a retard" Ricky smiled and I giggled.

"I know, that's why you love me"


"Baby come on!"

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