My Life as a house husband .

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" I'm going into my therapy session right now"  .  

I'm talking to myself again i , I say to myself

No I'm not mad or even slightly so ( some people may say differently of course ha ha ) its a sort of marriage guidance or couples therapy session .

I'm going on my own to start with for a few sessions .

That is after our first session , when we went together .  

My God , did that first session go great .  

The answer to that question was -- " NO "

She said "We need to do this please , to sort out and save our marriage" , and then added.  


God I could of slapped the bitch right there and then. I didn't of course . I would Never strike a woman , but my God did I nearly.

All I wanted , was someone to talk to and get things off my chest . I didn't feel i could talk to my 'friends' ( as they were basically all hers ).

"My friends are your friends , they love us both" , she always harped on and on .

Yer right , my real friends Dont look at me like I'm beneath them because I'm a stay at home dad ,  a house husband if you will .

You would think looking at us that we have a great life .  

Looking from the outside in --"as the saying goes ".

I'm married to a successful business woman who has a Very Very well paid job .  

I on the other hand -Dont .

I look after our son during the day , I am the chief ,cook and bottle washer and do all the washing , ironing and hoovering , then have a part time job in the evenings from 6pm till about usually 10 or 11pm .

Let's just say what I get in wages the wife pays more than that in tax each month and her pay rises are more than what I get in my pay packet

For money reasons and child care , WE decided I would take the role as The House Husband. That as another saying goes 'Is where it all started to go wrong ' .

Yer We have a lovely home in a very nice part of town and our son , who is 9 looks like a mini version of me - poor soul . Every one says "He's gona get in a shit load of trouble with the girls with those big blue eyes " . "Oh dear god Yes , he will be" I'd reply .

Like i said , I on the other hand don't have a well paid job . Part time house husband and a part time job with standard wages to match .  

I work in retail , so the pay is standard but I love the interaction with the customers .

"I met my future wife in a night club 15 years ago " .  

"Me and my mates used to go there every sat night and chill out .  

The place was great , small but not to small .  

There was something about the place we all loved . The staff were very friendly and got to know your face , so would start pouring yr drinks as soon as they saw us come in .  

We didn't have to even bother trying to pick up the girls with cheesy chat up lines because there was always more girls than guy's there and it was total role reversal in the place . The girls would worm there way over and start a conversation with us .  

I would be chatting with my mates and out the corner of your eye you could see a girl and her mate edging over ". 

Then the casual hair flick and then she'd say "Hiiiiiii - I saw you looking at me across the floor , you gonna buy me a drink then "

 Well I was with my girlfriend ( of the time ) at a club , it was New Years Eve and had been getting vibes that things between us weren't right and had cooled down a LOT over the last few weeks . All I got at midnight was a peck on the cheek.

To hell with this , I thought . 

A work mate of mine was also in the club that night and I went to chat with him for a while and say ,  "Happy New Year" .

On returning to where my girlfriend had been standing with some of her mates . I saw her from across the other side of thevclub kissing seven bells out of poor some guy.

A game of Tonsil tennis had began between them .


Well there's chapter 1 .

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