The Iron Battle

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Author's note: Hi there! :) Thank you for even considering to read my work- you're awesome! :D Oh and by the way I only own the plot and a some characters. Everything else belongs to Julie Kagawa.

I guess my story started when I stumbled into the Otherworld, (That's fairyland to you) on the eve of my 16th birthday, and got attacked by a swarm of redcaps.

"Kill her!" One screeched. "Fresh meat" Another drooled staring at me like a piece of meat, which to them I suppose I was. I backed up as they edged closer, pushing my body into the brambles despite the bleeding pain. They looked just like I'd imagined- short, overweight, with a lumpy looking skin. They had jagged teeth that looked razor sharp and like it was made of broken glass, every one wore something red upon their heads, from a bandana to a New York giant's baseball cap. I blinked back tears and reached to unsheathe my iron dagger- Being only half-phouka did have its advantages. I pushed the dagger towards them, my arm outstretched. "G-Get back" my voice trembled, maybe I wasn't ready for this hero-thing after all...

My name is Kaylin Grint and I am a faery. Well half faery really, my mother is a winter phouka and my dad a poor helpless mortal. If you look at me (Past the furry cat ears) I look like your typical teenage girl with choppy sandy brown hair and striking blue eyes. My mother and I were banished from the Otherworld as long as I can remember and have lived in the largest fey community in Louisiana. I was given money for food from a local 'carpenter' in exchange that I retrieve rare objects he can sell to the locals.

Fey communities tend to be in The between, a place- quite literally between the borders of the mortal realm and the Other world. It tends to drive mortals insane.

However I got bored of our safe haven and seeked to return half-bloods to the Otherworld. Not letting myself be scared of the prejudice fey that awaited me outside our homely and seemingly ordinary suburban town.

The large room look more like a grand foyer rather than a typical basement, but the town hall wasn't made for subtlety. It was midnight and the room was cloaked in darkness, there wasn't even a glint of moonlight as I whipped out my torch and clicked it on. The bright beam of light shone ahead leaving a clear pathway in front of me. I wandered through the familiar room and marched silently towards the trod I had never yet used. I knew where it led and was willing to take my chances, knowing that as soon as I stepped out the other side, it would disappear, probably forever. Willingly, I sneaked through the basement trod and into the endless maze of briars not planning to return. That's when it all went wrong, crumbling into a pile of dust. I really should have made a plan...

"I mean it!" I waved my dagger at the recaps. "Get back or you'll regret it! This is iron you know!" The recaps only chuckled at me not believing my truthful claims. I took a deep breath trying to think of fighting strategies from my favourite movies with no luck. Its funny how you mind goes blank when you need it most, such as in tests and life threatening moments. I cursed and bit my lip as the bloodthirsty fey pressed even closer, cornering me into my own death. One lunged forwards and bit through my calf and I emitted a high pitched squeal of pain. I bit my lip so hard I drew blood as tears trickled down my face. I whimpered like a baby and could feel my own blood soaking through my trouser leg; leaving a bloody stain and making the fabric cling to the wound uncomfortably.

"HEADS UP" an unclaimed voice roared through the silence and woke me from my state of surrender. My watery eyes shot upwards just in time to see the blurred mysterious person drop into the startled swarm. Grasping back my senses I lunged at the momentarily confused redcaps; my dagger piercing though ones stomach with surprising ease. I jumped back in horror; the redcap fell to the floor with a black rash spreading from his wound like the plague. "Nice move Kit-Kat!" The unknown figure had made his way through the attacking crowd towards me, green eyes gleaming like the moon. I stared down and my blood-stained hands still gaping at what I had done. The boy grinned so mischievously it gave me butterflies. "No time to have regrets Kit-Kat we gotta get going" He rushed forwards and grabbed my bloodied hand, dragging me from danger.

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