Chapter 2

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Jaymi made us both scrambled eggs- I had no idea what creature the egg belonged to and quite frankly i didn't wish to know. Though out breakfast Jaymi and I spoke about random things and about our connections to the Otherworld. He told me how his father was a Faery who had fallen in love with his mother and then left her heart-broken when she was pregnant. Jaymi hadn't been told much more about his heritage by his mother, just not to go there it was a dangerous place. She had died when he was only eight, leaving him to grow up in an orpahage. The children in the orphanage were young and full of imagination, they could see through the glamour, for this reason they bullied Jaymi for his fey features. They pushed him so far that one day he'd had enough. So he went through the trod in his room closet, and got trapped in the briars.

I was so stunned at his story. He had lived in the briars since he was eight years old; fighting off some of the deadliest monsters the Nevernever has to offer in order to survive. Long enough for him to age 8 human years inside faery- wow! Now that was impressive. I couldn't help look at him in a new light. My ambitious plans looked pathetic compared to his survival story and i could help but crumble when he asked what I was doing here.

"Me? Oh nothing, complete accident, i didn't mean to end up here" I tried even though I knew I was a terrible liar.

"Come on, honestly! Just tell me" He insisted eagerly, sitting crosslegged, staring up at me like a child waiting for a story. I sighed deeply as my mouth began to spill my secrets and plans.


An hour later I had a new companion on my journey. It turned out Jaymi didn't think my daring trek was pathetic and useless, in fact he liked the idea more than I did, and then that was it, my true adventure had begun and i was ready to return half-bloods and exiles to the Otherworld.

We wandered aimlessly for what felt like an eternity, the scenery never changing as we continued to be caged inside deadly thorns, which endlessly blocked out sunlight leaving us in the gloom. I could help think about what my mother was doing. Was she thinking of me? Had she even realised i'd gone? I knew she didn't have much time before she faded completely as her amnesia continued to grow. I wondered if she would even remember me when i returned...

I chucked that thought to the back of my head as a tear began to trickle down my cheak. I rubbed my eyes to try and prevent any others that might slip through my defenses, however when i looked back up my vision was blinded with light, beautiful, powerful sunlight.

I blinked the spots that danced in front of my vision away, until I could see a clear opening from darkness. I glanced over at Jaymi who was grinning wildly before he ran forwards wooping in freedom. I walked forwards soaking in my surroundings. The fresh green grass smelled like mildew as the clear blue sky scattered with fluffy marshmellows destroyed all traces on confinment. We were free! I could smell the earthy soil beneath my feet, soggy from past rain showers. I heard birds chirping and saw the endless amounts of summer nature blooming around me. We must have came out near Arcadia- the summer realm.  I kept my back to where we had come from, only looking forwards, to what could be. Every thing seemed a little more acheivable from this angle.

Jaymi's cheers echoed though the forest and birds fled from nearby trees, startled by his sudden outburst. I watched him as he jumped, climbed, sung, danced and laughed.  He looked truely happy, and I couldn't help but feel happy for him too. I felt like nothing could stop us, we were invincible and free. Jaymi stood in the centre of the opening, arms open wide, breathing hard. His head was tilted back so he was staring into the blue sky of possibilities. I felt the summery breeze flow through my hair and I surged toward Jaymi, ignoring my protesting injury.

I took hold of his hand and pulled him along with me, laughing as I did. We span in circles holding onto each other's arms laughing with pure joy of freedom. I knew this could never last, but I knew we must make the most of it and enjoy the little things, otherwise we will never make it.

We collapsed by a nearby spring, gasping for air, smiles spread wide against our faces. I splashed cold water over my head to cool down and ashiver went through my entire body as water fell down my back. I glanced at Jaymi doing the same; his brown hair clung to his forhead, falling into his eyes. With his combination of green eyes and brown hair I could help connect him to a tree. I turned my back on the pond staring out to the green haven surrounding me. I sat leaning back on my arms and sighed with relief. I felt like the luckiest person alive... until I felt the silver blade pressed up against my throat, its pressure increasing.

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