Chapter 3

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"Do as I say or I'll use this blade to cut the life from your body"

I froze in terror, barely able to take a breath. Scrambling to collect my thoughts, I tried desperately to assess the situation. The voice was feminine and hard as stone meaning my captor was likely a girl. The weapon was small and silver; a dagger perfect for a 16 year old, like myself, to weild. She was young yet trained perfectly in combat fighting. Weaknesses? The blade was made for someone lefthanded, meaning if i could injure her left i may have a slight advantage. In reality  I didn't stand a chance, especially unarmed.

Glancing beside me I saw no sign of Jaymi. Hopefully he escaped but id have no way to find out.

"Stand up. Slowly."

I did as I was told, rising to my feet as my captor did the same. She was tall, rising at least 3 inches higher than me. I was held tight, making escape near on impossible.

"Start walking. And don't try to run or you'll wish you never came here" She spoke, unwavering as if this was a part of her every day routine.


"Where are you taking me?" I ask. A strange sort of calm had settled over me now i was relieved of my immediate shock. We'd been walking for around twenty minutes and the trees grew almost as thick and dense as the briars. The pungent smell of nature filled the air and i welcomed it greatly.

"We're almost there just keep walking"

I sighed. This being hold captive  thing was getting increasingly tiresome, not to mention boring. "If you're going to threaten me and force me to walk the least you can do is tell me why."

"I don't have to tell you anything peasant. Now shut up or I'll make sure you never speak again and sever those delicate vocal cords of yours."

"Look i don't know what your problem is but you clearly have issues-"

"You don't know anything" she snapped in a voice as deadly as poison. " we're here"

Suddenly the trees opened up into a clearing very similar to the last one except, here, there was a beautiful little cottage surrounded by a ring of blood-red toadstools.

"its beautiful" i whisper.

"Do you have a death wish or are you just plain crazy" my captive asked.

"just half" I grinned.


"Im just half crazy"

"Whatever. Lets keep moving."

I was taken into the cottage which was just as cosy on the inside as it was out. Patchwork armchairs surrounded the hearth at the far side of the room and paintings scattered the walls. A dog lay curled up asleep in front of the empty fireplace on a wollen rug.

"Sit" she said as i was pushed onto a wooden seat. I looked up into the eyes of my captor as she stood, arms crossed staring down a me. Her knife held delicately in her left palm.

Her eyes were stormy grey outlined thickly with black, her face elegant and beautiful. I was right, she was my age and had chocolate hair cut messy and uneven. Her body language said she was fierce, stubborn and impulsive.

"well?" she arched an eyebrow.

"well what? You're the one who kidnapped me"

" Oh stop being dramatic. I didn't kidnap you"

"So what would you call this?"

"temporary abduction" she smiled smugly.

"girl your becoming a right pain in the arse"

"What are you doing here?" she asked ignoring my previous statement.

"sitting. On a chair."

"I mean in the Otherworld. I know your a half blood. I could sense it. You've put yourself in danger coming here not to mention me aswell"

"Your a half blood too" I said. I was surprised but hopeful. Maybe she would help.

"Yes and i don't appreciate you turning up this close to my doorstep. Ive managed to survive hidden long enough. Now you come along and put me and my friend at risk. So I'll ask again. What are you doing  here?"

"I-" suddenly the windows smashed inwards and Jaymi came hurling into the living room, sword drawn ready to fight. The girl pulled a katana from over her shoulder and aimed it at Jaymi's heart.

"Who are you half blood and what is your business here?"

"Im Jaymi goodfell and Im about to kick your arse"

The girl faltered, her eyebrows knotted.

"What?" Jaymi demanded " Are we going to fight or are you just going to stare at me all day? I know im stunningly good looking and all-"

The girl scoffed "Shut up goodfell. You're as egotistical as your father"

"wh- what?" Jaymi stuttered caught off guard. "You know my father?"

"everybody knows. Now stop talking lets get on with this. I'll beat you just like i beat your father"

"bring it" Jaymi said, as determined look crossed over his face.

Abruptly i was overcome with dizziness.the room was spinning, dark spots danced in front in my vision. The last thing i saw before the darkness took me was Jaymi step forwards, ready to fight my captor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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