Chapter 22

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Austin's POV

I walked out the front doors of the hosital to meet a swarm of papparazzi. Ugh will they ever leave me alone?

"Austin what's going on with Hannah?"

"Is she going to be ok?"

"What happened?"

"Did you hurt her?"

The last question got to me. But I just kept walking to the taxi rank. I had to go back to her apartment. They needed to know what she took so I offered to go. Theres no way I was going to let Mrs.Smith go there when her blood is still everywhere. I better clean it up while I'm there. A shiver went up my spine thinking about it. I got in a taxi and told them the address. Once we drove off I went into a day dream and never noticed when we were outside the appartments. I paid the driver and took the spare key out of my pocket and let myself in. I grabbed the mop and bucket and filled the bucket with water. I cleaned the bathroom tiles until they were spotless. Then when I stood up I saw a blade. Tears rolled down my face for about the 10th time today. I wrapped it in a tissue and was about to throw it in the bin. That's when my mind started to tell me to cut. No I can't not after whats happened with Hannah. I threw it in the bin. I tried to get that thought out of my head. I walked to the kitchen to see if there were and pill bottles. And there was one sitting on the table beside letters. I put the pill bottle in my pocket and noticed something. A letter with my name on it. I lifted it up and took it out of the envelope. 

"Austin, I'm so sorry for everything. Im so for all the argument's we've had over the years and I'm sorry for letting you go. You really meant the world to me and I never realised until you came back home a couple of months ago. You were the one who was always there for me at 3am when I needed someone. You were the one who would hurt whoever hurt me. You were the one who I loved with all my heart. All of our old memories that we have will never go away. You were my first first kiss,my first crush and honestly my first love.You were like my brother growing up and I could never repay you for saving me when I was 14. You think I'd have learnt from what happened last time wouldn't you. I'm just not happy anymore. I've put on weight,I get sent hate all the time. Im insecure. I just cant do this anymore. Im sorry. I'm so grateful for everything you did for me before. I couldn't have asked for a better best friend. Please don't remember me for all this bad stuff I've done. Remember me as your best friend who lived next door. Your partner in crime. I''ll see you sometime in the future. I'll wait for you.I love you Austin. I always have and I always will. I'll forever be your best friend even when Im gone. Love you forever Hannah xxx"

I fell to the floor and cried hyserically. She really wanted to leave. I now no longer blamed  myself. I blamed the reporters that ruined our lives. I wiped the tears away and grabbed the letters. The were several of them. "To Mom" "To Dad" "To Matt" "To Kiera (When she's old enough to understand" "To Alex" "To Rob" "To Zach" "To Drew".  I walked out the door and locked it. Then went to my car. I sat the letters on the passanger seat and drove back to the hospital. Mrs.Smith was sitting outside the room beside her husband. 

"Did you find them?"

I nodded and took out the empty pill box. Then I handed them the letters.

"Whats this?" Mrs.Smith asked.

"She wrote us all letters. Theres one for you, Mr.Smith, Matt and Kiera. The rest are for the crew and Drew."

"I can't read this just yet. And I won't read it unless she doesn't pull through." Mr.Smith whispered.

I looked at the ground "I read mine....I didn't know what they were."

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