Chapter 5

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Hannah's POV

My alarm went off at 7:30 and I hopped out of bed. I had to have a shower or else I'd still be sleeping. When I got out of the shower it was 8am. 

"Right I have half an hour to get ready since work starts at 9:30" I thought  

I was still smiling after Andrew showing up at my door last night. We had been together for a year now and he always manages to put a smile on my face. He's two years younger than I am though. I always use to see him as a younger brother growing up. Whenever I'd be at Alex's house he'd be hanging about somewhere. 

I threw in my clothes and dried my hair. Then out the door I went.

When I got into work something was different about the place. There was more of an atmosphere in the building usually everyone looked moody and depressed. Today everyone was smiling and talking to each other. I ignored it and got in the elevator. When I walked out everyone on the 11th floor were also in a great mood. I could see Penelope in her office. I walked over and knocked on the door. 

"Come in" she shouted 

"Hi Penelope would you like a coffee or anything ?" I asked  

"No thank you Hannah. I got one on my way to work this morning." She smiled. 

Something was seriously up she actually looked happy for a change. 

"I hope you don't mind me asking but what's going on everyone seems sooo.......jolly?" I asked. 

"Haven't you heard what happening today?" 

With that there was a knock on the door.  

"Oh do come in!!" She said while getting up out of her seat.  

Well this was odd Penelope usually hated when people would disturb her. I turned around to see who it was and my mouth dropped. And I mean it literally dropped. Who was standing in the door way other than Austin. 

"It's lovely to meet you Mr.Mahone I'm Penelope James, the designer" she introduced herself. 

I laughed when she called him Mr.Mahone. They looked at me. His mouth dropped aswell. 

"It's eh lovely to meet you Penelope and call me Austin" he said. 

She started giggling like a school girl. 

"Oh yes Mr..sorry Austin, this is my secretary Hannah Smith she'll be looking after you today"  

"I'll be doing what?!" I screamed 

Austins eyes got bigger and Penelope looked at me in shock. 

"Hannah if you have a problem with doing as you're told then you know where the door is" she said to me. 

I wasn't going to lose my job because of this so I just said "no I don't have a problem. Where's the first place I have to take him?"  

We walked up to the design room in silence. Neither of us said anything to each other and I wasn't planning to unless he spoke first. When we got there everyone was fussing over him. They had to design a few out fits for him for his concerts back home. 

"We'll Austin ill need you to go to the measurement room and get measurements taken before we do anything ok" the designer Rachel said "Hannah you'll take him won't you?" 

"Yeah Penelope told me to babysit hin all day so I guess I have too"  

Everyone looked at me in complete shock when I said it but Austin just burst out laughing. I looked at him as if to say wtf. He tried to stop but I could tell he was trying not too so I ended up laughing at him. 

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