Chapter 12

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Hannah's POV

When I woke up I looked in the mirror. I forgot to take my make up off and it was all over my face. There were mascara running down my face. Then everything came flooding back to me from the night before. I burst into tears again! I looked at my phone. My lockscreen was of me and the crew. When I unlocked it it was me and andrew. I went through all my pictures of us. It broke my heart. I tried calling him but his phone was off. I left messages. I texted him. But I got nothing back! I had missed calls from Austin but I ignored them. Then I got a text from him.

Ameezy - Han you ok? Im so sorry 'bout everything I heard bout you and Andrew. Alex told me. Can we please talk I feel terrible :/

I sat looking at the text wondering should I answer him. After half an hour of wondering I replied.

Me - Not gonna lie. Im a wreck. Everything is messed up. Im so glad you took the blades off me other night. Nows not a good time to be seen talkin we can talk some other time.

I got a reply straight away.

Ameezy - Ok. I am really sorry though. I never meant for any of this to happen. It was never my intention to split you and Drew up.

I tried ringing Andrew again and it went straight to voice mail. Then i rang Alex.

"Hannah,are you ok?!"

"Not really..Is Andrew there?"

"He's in his room."

"Right. Im coming over but dont tell him!"

"I dont think.."

"AC I dont care im coming over !"

"OK Ok...."

I hung up and got changed. I hoped in my car and went to the Constancio house.

When I got there Alex was at the door.

"Hannah you look.."

"Don't even say it Alex."

I walked up the stairs and knocked on Andrew's bedroom door.

"Who ever it is just leave me alone!"

I opened the door and he was in bed with all the blankets over his head.

"What part of leave me alone do you......"

He stopped when he seen me.

"What are you doing here"

I didnt like the way he said you. It made me sound like dirt.

"I had to talk to you Drew. Please let me explain everything that happened"

"Could you not get the hint I didn't want to talk by me ignoring your calls and texts? And what you want to tell me every detail about you and Austin? Well just save your breath because I don't want to hear it. You broke my heart Hannah."

"Do you not think I'm hurting too? You broke up with me remember. Just because me and Austin kissed for all of 2 seconds!!! Do you think I have no feelings either. That I didn't cry myself to sleep last night? Well guess what I did and as soon as I woke up I was in tears again. Can you not see I love you Andrew and would never do anything to hurt you on purpose. It was an accident ok. A stupid mistake that I'm going to have to live with for the rest of my life!!" I screamed

He looked at me with coldness in his eyes. I walked towards him and handed him a little black box.

"What's this?"

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