New Year's Kiss

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Dan Howell was sat in his usual sofa crease aimlessly scrolling through Tumblr. This wasn't an unusual occurrence and happened more often than not. It was 11:50 pm on a chilly New Years Eve in the hustle and bustle of London. Dan had contemplated going out but thought better of it. He had even been invited to a few of his fellow YouTuber friend's parties. He would have gone if earlier that evening he hadn't been drowned in a pit of awkwardness. You see, Dan had gone into the bathroom to wash his hands when he accidentally opened the door to see Phil naked. Normally Dan wouldn't have felt so awkward from stumbling upon his naked friend. It wasn't the first time it had happened. This time was different. Dan had seen Phil in a different light. For once he considered his best friend to be quite attractive, even quite sexy.

From that moment on, Dan had made sure his eyes were super-glued to his MacBook. Even when Phil would ask him questions he would use all of the will power he had to avoid eye contact. So here he remained, ten minutes until midnight with no agenda, except for the obvious maintenance of the sofa crease.

"Dan!" Phil yelled from his bedroom. "Could you come here for a moment?"
Dan internally groaned as a mixture of fear and anxiety engulfed him. He dreaded seeing Phil after that horrid event that had taken place that evening. Dan had even considered moving out and finding another flat in London or maybe even further away. He could escape to Australia, but then again, what good would that do to his favourite people in the world; his fans.

Dan managed to slide his laptop to the side and get up from his usual comfortable spot. His hands started to become clammy and his heart beat one million miles a minute. He felt as though his heart would just leap out of his chest onto the floor, killing him almost instantaneously. 'Perhaps dying would be a better option that having to face my fears', Dan thought in desperation. His feet shuffled slowly against the cold floor. As he walked up the stairs he managed to catch his reflection. His skin was moist and as white as snow. He grabbed the banister as he forced himself up the stairs, making it wet with his almost dripping sweat.

Soon enough he had made it to Phil's door, which was ever-so-slightly ajar. Dan allowed his chocolate brown eyes to observe what was through the opening of Phil's door. He saw Phil in his infamous tee shirt which was covered in bats, laying down on his stomach as he scrolled through Tumblr on his laptop, much like Dan had been doing a few moments before. Dan slowly opened the door causing Phil's head to snap in his direction.

"I want you to see this fan video somebody posted about us on Tumblr. For once it's nonsexual, completely platonic", Phil said with an excited grin plastered across his face. "Only joking".
With a sigh Dan journeyed to Phil's bed and took a seat on the edge.
"What is it about?" Dan asked with a shaky breath.
"It's a 'Phan Montage'. Sounds pretty neat, doesn't it?" he replied.
"Phil!" Dan exclaimed. "Haven't you seen enough of these? We see a billion of them in those Tumblr Tag videos we do."
"Just watch it."

Phil pressed the space bar causing the video to start. Dan quickly checked the time on his iPhone. It was 11:55 pm and now only five minutes until the New Year.
"How long does this video go for Phil?" Dan asked softly.
"Only 4 minutes and 50 seconds", he replied as the video began.
The video started showing gifs, short videos and fan art of Phan. Some were quite humorous in Dan's humble opinion, whereas others made him feel awkward. A few fan arts were quite graphic and sexual which made Dan squirm in awkwardness. There was clear sexual tension in the room which wasn't only apparent to Dan but also to Phil. Dan couldn't help but remember the memory of Phil's body in the bathroom. As the video continued, his mind rushed to fantasies and scenarios that he and Phil could be in. Dan's face flushed a bright shade of beetroot as he noticed Phil studying his face.

Dan pretended to turn his attention back to the video and before they knew it, numbers appeared on the screen.
"What's happening, Phil?" Dan questioned.
"It's counting down to the New Year", Phil replied.


Dan felt his hands become clammy once again as a handful of butterflies erupted in his stomach.


'What would happen at New Year?' Dan thought, his mind darting to all of the likely possibilities that his mind could fathom.


This was it. The moment that Dan had been waiting for.


Dan looked at Phil in the eyes for the first time in a while. Phil looked back at Dan. Phil's large hand slowly crept up to the nape of Dan's neck. Dan felt himself slowly leaning forwards, as did Phil. They slowly inched closer and closer and closer to each other's faces, feeling each other's heavy breaths. This was the case for a few moments until Phil finally bridged the gap and pulled his lips to Dan's. Dan felt overwhelmed, yet somehow comfortable as his found his hands travelling over Phil's chest, up to his hair. The kiss was intense. Each of the boys felt a wild surge of attraction flow through them. It was all both of them had ever imagines, maybe even more.

Soon enough the kiss was over. The both pulled away from each other breathless but each with a smile on their face.
"That was... different", Dan said with an awkward chuckle.
"Indeed it was. I'm glad I had timed it perfectly. Otherwise my plan would have turned out rubbish".
"You planned this?"
"Of course I did".

They continued chatting for the rest of the night, each of them thinking about their new found admiration and attraction for each other. Soon enough they both started falling asleep.
"Happy New Year, Phil", Dan said.
"Happy New Year, Dan". 

Author's Note: 

Hello, everybody. I hope you've enjoyed this one shot. If you'd like me to write more (it doesn't even have to be a phan one shot), please comment a request. 



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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