Hot Wings and Dooche Bags

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I open my eyes but end up shutting them when the bright light from the sun shines through my bedroom window. I covered my head with the blanket as I did so a groan came from beside me.

I started to freak out. I was trying to save myself for my mate and not give myself to some one night stand!

Then memories of last night came flooding in. I found my mate! I remember him being an Alpha.

Just then a groan came from the body beside me.

"What happened last night?" My mate groggily asked.

"Err I'm trynna figure that out too." I said. His head snapped in my direction. Confusion covered his face until realization crossed his face but then anger appeared.

"Shit. Whats your name?" He asked me. I blushed because I had slept with my mate who didn't even know my name as I didn't even know his name either.

"Jasmine. Jasmine Bonilla." I said he looked taken back a

"You're Zaiden's sister?" He asked me his sky blue eyes staring right at my bland brown eyes.

"Yep yup." I replied as I got up and started searching my room for some clothes to put on. I heard a low growl echo through the room before I was pulled down back onto his lap. But he changing our position so he was cradling me. I felt like a baby in his arms.

"Well Jasmine there's not a good time to say this so I'm just gonna come out with it. I, Ethan Sanders reject you, Jasmine Bonilla, as Mate and Luna." He said and I gasped as a sharp pain pierced my heart. It felt like a thousand needles are being thrown at my heart. And the culprit is Ethan.

   He smirked as tears sprang from my eyes and slowly slid down my face. This ass face! If he thinks that he has ruined me then he has another thing coming.
I did the thing he didn't expect to do. I punched him hard in the nose causing blood to drip from his nose. His hand reaching for his nose causing me to fall on the floor.

"Be glad I didn't cut your balls off and feed them to the rogues. I, Jasmine Bonilla, accept the rejection of Ethan Sanders as Mate and Luna." I spat in disgust. Oh and I wasn't done.

"Now you got three fucking minutes to get the hell out of my house before I call Zaiden up here and tell him what you did to his little sister." I said anger dripping out of my voice as I spoke.

"Whatever, crazy Bitch." He said grabbing his pants and walking out.

"I am not a heartless human being. I understand love and friendship so I won't tell Zaiden what happened between us but if I ever see your face again I swear I will not hesitate to blab my mouth to him. Oh and don't let the door hit you on your way out." I said the last sentence with a fake caring voice.

He gathered whatever else he had and walked to my door.

"I hope you go to hell you slut." He said looking dead in my eyes and walked out the door. He walked out of my life.

I laid face first on my bed and cried my eyes out. He took my virginity and left me with a broken heart. Fuck him.

Well you did that already. My wolf retorted.

Really Snow? Was that really necessary?

What am I going to do? The same damn thing I've been doing for the past 18 years. Live MY life. I'm gonna go to parties, and maybe meet some guys who can take his place. Who knows? I may be the weird woman who lives alone with 9 cats and dies alone.

I think I'm gonna sleep this off. Yeah that sounds like a good idea.

Just as I was about to go to sleep, there was a knock at my door. One of my younger sisters, Ariella peeped her head through the door. She looks almost identical to me but she is a year younger than me.

"Who was the hot guy who just walked out your room?" She asked walking towards me and sitting on the bed next to me. She knew something was wrong. Sister-link right here.

"My mate." I said depressingly. Her eyebrows furrowed together at my statement.

"Then why was he storming out of the house? And why are you up here being all depressed? But most importantly why did he have a bloody nose?" She asked. Damn her smart ass has to catch on to everything!

"Ok I'll tell you but you can't say anything to Zai." I said she nodded her head in agreement. "He rejected me." I said tears springing to my eyes again.

"Oh Jas! Why don't you want Zai to know?" She asked pulling me into a hug.

"They're best friends." I said and she nodded her head in agreement. I started to cry. "Jas it's ok. I'm here for you anytime if any day." She said caressing my face.

"I know b-but he took everything. Ariella, we had sex last night and he-he left me. Why can't I be good enough? Was I not good enough in bed? I just want him! I want him to love me." I sobbed into her shirt. She rubbed my back and rocked me back and forth.

"Shhh. You are perfect just the way you are, ok? Never change. You are too good enough. And if he can't see that then he chose the right decision to reject you. Because you should spend the rest of your life with someone who sees you for who you are and should never make you question yourself. You know what Jas? You are not good enough! You are better than good enough! You are like nutella! You are awesome! And I am sure you were good in bed. He is a worthless scumbag who doesn't know what he's missing out on. I love you big sis." She argued back. That helped. Damn she's good.

"You know Ariella? You should really be a therapist or counselor. Cause damn you just got me feeling ten times better. And I love you too, baby sis." I said.

"Do you want to go to Buffalo Wild Wings?" She asked. I immediately hopped off my bed at the sound of wings.

"Yes!" I exclaimed.

"Ok get your lazy ass dressed and we will leave. Be ready in five." She said and walked out my door so i can get ready. Hell yeah! Who needs a guy when you got hot wings?

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