Nope Not True

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* 2 Weeks Later *

"Jasmine I'm so sorry I didn't mean a thing. I want you back. I want to marry you and have kids with you. I want you to stand beside me and run the pack. I wanna watch our grandkids play out side. Please Jasmine, princess, take me back." Ethan said begging on his knees. I just stood there my jaw dropped. I didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry I just can't. You missed your chance goodbye." I said as I took the gun and held up to my head and pulled the trigger.

I woke up panting. What the hell kind if dream was that?
I suddenly felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom. While I let my insides out, I felt someone take my hair and pull it back while I puke.
After I was done letting my insides out I turned to see Ariella there. I walked to the sink and brushed my teeth to get the acidic taste out of my mouth.

"Jas I think you should go to the doctors." Ariella suggested.

"I am fine Ariella. I just got the flu." I tried reasoning.

"And how the hell can you get the flu in the middle of June?" Ariella asked. I rolled my eyes at her question. I am fine!

I looked under the bathroom sink to get some more mouthwash when my tampon box cane falling out. I put the box back in the cabinet but stopped when a thought crossed my mind.

When was the last time I had my period?

"Shit! Shit. Shit." I said standing up and looking in the mirror. I am one week late.

"What?" Ariella asked.

"Come with me to the store." I said to her.

"Why? Jasmine I'm not going anywhere until you tell me." She said. I didn't want to admit it out loud because then it may be true and I don't want it to be true.
"Well are you gonna answer me or what?" She impatiently asked tapping her foot on the bathroom tile.

"I might be pregnant." I said. Her eyes widen in shock.

"I'll get my purse. Meet you in the car?" She asked. I nodded my head. I went and grabbed my car keys and phone and followed her out my bedroom door.

I went downstairs and found my Mom and Zai in the kitchen. Mom was cooking and Zai was sitting at the island. Most likely waiting for the food to be done.

"Hey mom! Ariella and I are gonna run to the store real quick." I said going to her and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Ok be safe." She said. But before I left I heard Zai take a deep breath and look at me. Shit.

"Oh hey Zai!" I greeted and before he could say anything Ariella came downstairs. I knew he smelled a different scent. "Bye guys." I called making my way towards the door.

We make our way to my 2016 Chevy Camaro. My baby! Damn wrong choice of words.

We hopped in and drove off towards Walgreens. We were silent.

I turned on the radio to drown out my thoughts. I felt sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I almost ran off the road at its occurence.

I needed information now, so I asked my other half.

"Snow, what was that?" I asked my wolf

"Mate is with another." Just as she said that I started to cry. I may be pregant with his child and he is out there playing free willy!

"Jas whats wrong?"

"Ethan is with another woman." I said focusing on the street. She went silent.

We finally pulled into the Walgreens. We hopped out of the car and walked inside.

"It should be in the femine aisle, right?" Ariella asked. I shrugged my shoulders and found the aisle.

I grabbed the first one I saw and started walking towards the cash register.

"Hey Jasmine! Hey Ariella!" I hear an all too familiar voice. I look at Ariella with a worried face. I put the test on a random shelf and turned around to look at the face of the voice.

"Hey Kourntey! What are you doing here?" I ask giving her a hug.

"Getting some condoms. You know Nate really wild in bed." She said jokingly. I laughed nervously at her joke.

"How is the Mate life?" I ask acting as though I do not have one.

"Amazing. He treats me a princess. He rubs my feet when I get home from work. And the day after we met he cooked breakfast for me and then took me out. He just so romantic. I've never been so happy in my entire life." She said dreamily. I secretly envied her relationship with her Mate. My Mate is a jackass who's brain is about the size dick. Small.

"Oh good for you. I am really happy for you, but I thought he had a girlfriend." I said bringing up our conversation 2 weeks ago.

"He broke up with her. Apparently she cheated on him with the Alpha. But it's weird because him and the Alpha are best friends. I swear I will never understand the guy mind." She said rolling her eyes. Wait... Nate's Alpha is Ethan. So his girlfriend has been cheating on Nate with Ethan. Wow that's low.

"Well I gotta go. How about we meet up later this week?" I said.

"Yeah that would be nice."
She said walking away. "See you guys." She said paying for her things and leaving.
I picked up the test and payed for it.

"Nate is Ethan's Beta." I said as we walked to my car and drove off towards our home.


"Yep yup."

We pulled up to the house, I turned off the ignition. I walked into the house but ran up the stairs when I saw Zai in the living room.

I ran into my bathroom and open the test box and peed on the stupid stick.

It says the result should take 3 minutes. So I sat there and waited for three damn minutes that seemed to drag on.

Two lines came across the stick.



I'm pregnant.

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