Chapter 4- The Truth is Told

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A/N: I didn't want to update so soon... But I couldn't resist. You guys are spoiled with these updates being so close! Anyway, this chapter has a HUGE reveal at the end and I hope you like the reveal. I went out to play in the snow... And came back five minutes later soaking wet. Maybe I should wait until the blizzard stops. :D Anyways, here's the chapter.

Sophie was all about maintaining her cool until she got yanked up into the air  with no way down.

But when she turned around, there was no recurring band of the Neverseen or some evil group. Just her thoroughly evil friends.

"What's this all about?" she frantically asked after screaming and thrashing for a few minutes.

Biana gave her a wicked smile. "Oh you know... You can get down if you tell us who's on your matchmaking list."

That list had officially driven her friends crazy. Rolling her eyes she muttered, "You've got to be kidding me."

She glanced at Keefe and Fitz who were avoiding her gaze. "You were in on this too?" she asked incredulously. Fitz gave her an embarrassed nod, but Keefe gave her a proud smirk. "Hey the prank wouldn't have been this good if I wasn't involved."

Unfortunately he was right. Sophie opened her mouth to reveal her number one when a thought struck her. She could teleport!

Swinging with the one ankle, she managed to fray the rope. And just as she was falling, she imagined teleporting right next to Biana and Fitz. Surprisingly, it worked.

"Try taking my special abilities into account next time, guys," she advised, a proud smile on her face.

Biana rolled her eyes, "Dang it, I really thought it would work."

"You guys really want to know who's on the list, don't you?" Sophie speculated, laughing. Her face fell as she replied, "But I can't tell you."

Fitz stepped closer to her, saying the one word she had a whole explanation for, "Why?"

Sophie stepped back, unable to concentrate with his impossibly teal eyes on her. "I-I don't want to influence anyone if they want to propose," she tried to explain. She turned to Keefe and Biana. "I mean, say Person 1 was number one on my matchmaking list and I said that. But say Person 2 wanted to propose. Person 2 wouldn't propose if he knew Person 1 was my number one." She was careful not to look at any person for too long and give away who her number one was.

Her friends nodded as if they understood. "So what you're saying," Biana summarized. "Is that if someone wants to propose, he should go for it." She kept her eyes only on Sophie, but it felt like the words were directed to someone else.

Sophie glanced at Keefe and Fitz before shaking her head. "Yeah that's pretty much it."

Fitz nodded. "You guys want to go inside and get something to eat?"

The other three elves nodded, glad to relax after such an intense game.


"Sophie!" Della called. "It's been a while since we've had you here. You've grown into quite the beautiful young lady."

Sophie smiled. "Thank you. I miss being here too."

Just as Della left the room to get some custard bursts, Alden walked in. He was holding a few scrolls and was deeply engrossed in them, but when he saw Sophie, his smile was the same.

Only after seeing Alden and Fitz side by side did it strike Sophie how similar they looked. Their dark hair and teal eyes had always been the same, but now they were even the same height with the same smile. It made her do a double take every time she saw them.

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