Sex Is Just A Word | 18+

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Author: SaintAndTheStripper

Parts: 29 / completed

Aaron Tyler Quinn, CEO of Quinn Industries Inc. is talented in many aspects of life especially sex, he's had a lot of practise, however our sexy as hell Mr. Arrogant doesn't believe in relationships or any emotions for that matter. He believes to his very core that sex is just a need, a physical need and getting some has never really been a problem for our egotistical millionaire until he finds himself helping his new, feisty neighbour up off the ground. 'O oh' Mr. Arrogant looks like you've met your match because emotions, relationships and connection means everything to Charlie. It all starts with a challenge, to get her into his bed without the messy emotions, or so he thought! She drove him crazy with all sorts of frustration as he became obsessed with all things Miss Reed!

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