New Guy, New Magicks?!

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It had been a few days since the Zane thing and Bree refused to talked about it she was walking around the village when she saw a new guy, who was Zane disguised, in the plaza

"Hey," He said

"Uhhh.... Hi..?" Bree said

"I'm... Zack," Zane lied

"Nice to meet you Zack... I'm Bree," Bree said

"Nice to meet you too," Zane said

"You sound familiar..." Bree said Zane stayed calm"I must have one of those's voices," He said

"Yeah... You must..." Bree said

~Meanwhile with Hanna~

Hanna was walking through the village when she bumped into Zoey

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Hanna said

"Oh no it's absolutely fine! I had my nose in this magicks book," Zoey said

"Cool," Hanna said

"It is! It also shows so many legends! Would you like to see?" Zoey asked

"Uhh.. Sure.." Hanna said as Zoey handed her the book "Wow.. That is really interesting," Hanna said as she handed the book back to Zoey look was looking at her

"Hmm.. Was anything weird happened to you lately?"

"Yeah me and my friends got trapped in a video game," She thought sarcastically "No not really," She said

"Hmm.. It's just I sense some magicks in you and your about the age where they start coming out if something activates them..." Zoey told her

"What? I don't think that's possible.. Where I'm from magicks arn't real.. That I know of.." Hanna said

"Magicks are everywhere you just have to be able to sense them," Zoey said Hanna didn't say anything "Do you mind if I come over later? I might be able to tell for sure," Zoey asked

"Umm.. Sure.. I guess.." Hanna saw Bree and a random guy walking through the village talking "Excuse me..." She walked past Zoey towards Bree and 'Zack' "Bree who's this dude?" Hanna asked

"This is Zack.. He's new to the village," Bree said Zack shook Hanna's hand

"Nice to meet you, your one of Bree's friends?" He asked

"Yeah.. I'm Hanna.." Hanna grabbed Bree's arm and pulled her away she waved to Zack

"Bye!" Bree said as she was pulled away

"Bree! That guys looks a lot like Zane," Hanna told her

"I don't think so.. Honestly he's waaay nicer then Zane," Bree said heading back into the house Hanna face palmed

"Oh my gosh Bree.. Your falling for him.. I just hope he's not like Zane..." Hanna thought to herself

~Later that Day with Lizzie~

Lizzie was sitting in the plaza with Star when a woman with red hair walked by

"Hi your wolf is really cute!" She said

"Oh thanks," Lizzie said 

"Yeah! I love the dark blue collar!" Star said

"It does look great on you!" Kiki said to Star Lizzie looked at her

"You can talk to animals?" Lizzie asked her

"Yes I can," Kiki said

"Okay.. I'm not crazy.." Lizzie said relieved 

"So you can understand animals too? Oh wow!" Kiki said smiling

"I'm just glad I'm not crazy.." Lizzie said laughing

~Meanwhile with Hanna~

Hanna was sitting out in front of the house they were in thinking when Zoey walked up

"Hello Hanna," She said

"Hey Zoey," Hanna got up "Come in," She said opening the front door letting Zoey in "So... What do you have to do?" Hanna asked

"I just need to focus on your magic aura and if you have one then you have magicks it's pretty easy," Zoey told her Hanna nodded

"Okay.." Hanna said Zoey closed her eyes and after a few minutes she opened her eyes 

"So...?" Hanna asked

"Yeah you have magicks," Zoey said

"Okay.. Well that's something I didn't see coming," Hanna said 

"I can teach you to use them if you want," Zoey offered

"Thanks.." Hanna said

"It's not a problem! It might come in handy," Zoey said walk as she walked towards the door 

"I'll see you soon," She said as she left after she left Bree came in with Zack

"Oh... Hi Zack," Hanna said with a slight bitter tone in her voice

"Hey Hanna," Zack said

"Zack offered to help me a bit with my sword fighting," Bree said excitedly

"Oh sounds cool.. Bree I have something to tell you and Lizzie!" Hanna said pulled Bree downstairs to where Lizzie was 

"Girls.. Zoey came over not to long ago.. And she said I have magicks," Hanna told them

"Awesome!" Bree said Lizzie looked confused

"You mean magic..?" She asked

"Nope magicks! That's what it is here," Hanna said Lizzie nodded slowly

"Okay..." Lizzie said still confused

"You realize it'll probably disappear when we get out of here right?" Bree said

"Yes I realize that.." Hanna said rolling her eyes

"Well Zack's waiting up there bye!" Bree said running upstairs

"It'll disappear just like your crush.." Hanna said worried

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