The Invitation

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It had been a few days since Garroth had left Zane had to go with him

"I'll only be gone until after the wedding, then I'll return," Zane had told Bree at the time

"I just don't like the fact that he's getting married when he doesn't want too.." Bree said

"Understood.. It's in a few weeks maybe you can return to O'khasis in a few days and attend.. You could be my date," Zane suggested Bree thought for a minute it was likely they would never get home so what was the harm?

"I guess.. Sure why not," Bree agreed

"I'll see you there," Zane said he then kissed Bree's hand, got on his boat and left

And that was the last she had seen of Zane since, that morning Bree opened the door to see a mailman, who looked like Craig from TheDiamondMinecart's channel,

"Uhh... Can I help you...?" Bree asked the mailman just breathed loudly in her face, handed her a envelope and left Lizzie was behind her

"Was that Craig from DanTDM's channel?" She asked Bree nodded

"I think so.." Hanna said as Bree opened the envelope

"I told you before.. HE'S MAGICAL!!!" Bree said laughing she stopped when she saw what was inside the envelope

"Is that..?" Hanna didn't finish she started nodding

"It's the invitation to the wedding.. I knew it was coming.. Zane asked me to be his date," Bree told the girls

"Your really going?!" Lizzie asked

"Yeah.. Not without telling Aphmau the exact date and time though.. It would be rude," Bree said smirking Hanna looked at the invite

"Your the only one invited.. And thats probably only because of Zane.." Hanna said

"Don't worry.. I'm sure he won't mind a few wedding crasher.." Bree said still smirking

"You have a plan.. I know that look.. Thats your 'I have an evil plan' look," Jalia said started to smirk

"How do you feel about crashing a wedding?" Bree asked smirking


After about an hour Bree and some other people from Phoenix Drop left on a boat and the remaining girls explained the plan to Aphmau

"We're not crashing the wedding and giving Garte another reason to attack Phoenix Drop!" Aphmau said

"Aphmau-" Lizzie started

"No! Listen to me! I'm the Lord of this Village you and have to do what I say!" Aphmau said Jalia had finally had enough

"Listen up Jess I don't care who you think you are! We're not apart of this village and with O'khasis having ties to Shadow Knights there are bound to be some there we're going whether you come with us or not! So you can either stay here hiding from how you feel like a coward! Or woman up and help us! Whats your choice?" Jalia exploded Aphmau sat down taking in what Jalia said

"Jalia take a chill pill!" Hanna told her

"No! Because I'm telling the truth! This village can say your a hero and a great leader but it's a lie!" Jalia's face started turning red "Your afraid of your feelings and because of that you let Garroth go! You could have fought! You could have risked everything for him! For yourself! You've done it before! But this time you didn't.. This time you were so afraid of a fight and risking Phoenix Drop.. You gave up.. This isn't the Aphmau whose videos we fell in love with.. This is a faker.. A cowardly faker!" Jalia stormed out slamming the door behind her Lizzie and Hanna stared at her as she left

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