Garroth's Kidnapping

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Aphmau had been searching the village for about an hour looking for Garroth she had checked everywhere when she spotted Lizzie, Bree and Hanna in the plaza

"Have you seen Garroth anywhere? I've been looking everywhere for him.." Aphmau asked Hanna and Bree looked at each other

"The fanfiction.." They whispered to each other indicating the fan fiction they've been writing they're eyes wide

"What?" Aphmau looked confused

"Nothing!" Hanna said

"O.. Okay...?" Aphmau said

"Did you check the old lords house?" Bree suggested changing the subject

"No I haven't.. Go idea I'll go check there," Aphmau said

"We'll come too! You never know if your gonna need some backup," Lizzie said

"Okay.. Come on," Aphmau started walking towards the old lords house when they got there Garroth's helm was on the floor

"Oh my Irene..." Aphmau said picking it up Bree and Hanna looked at each other again

"This.. Is.. Not.. Happening.." Hanna whispered to Bree

"I think it is.." Bree said back

"This is just like the fanfic..." Hanna whispered

"What are we gonna do?!" Lizzie asked

"They could have taken him to the nether.. But the portals broke so probably not.. O'khasis maybe?" Bree suggested

"Why would he be taken there?" Aphmau asked

"We know that at least Zane has ties to the Shadow Realm! Or maybe the Shadow Knights got hired to get Garroth back to O'khasis," Lizzie said

"If that's true then if we go into O'khasis we're dead.. Fighting them on neutral territory is one thing but if we do it on they're territory we're dead," Hanna sighed

"No.. I'd be dead not you three!" Aphmau said looking at the three girls

"No.. Your not saying that.. We're gonna go and recuse Garroth?!" Lizzie asked

"Of course you saved me from the nether!" Aphmau said

"You only had one guard.. And that guard was- Is.. Our friend! I doubt that they're gonna let Garroth get out of there again without him being a married man," Bree said

"Unless.. We say we're the daughters of another village's lord and he sent us to ask what would happen if Bright Port joins the O'khasis alliance!" Hanna said

"Great idea but they must know of every village and whether or not the lord has kids.." Bree said

"Unless.. Maybe we can get Lord Burt in on this.. Say we're his adopted daughters!" Hanna said

"That could work!" Aphmau said

"One problem why would he adopt three girls at once?" Lizzie asked

"That isn't O'khasis's business!" Hanna told her

"Tell us he may still owe you for saving him?" Bree asked Aphmau

"I don't think so but I think I can explain the situation to him through a letter.... Let's go see Raven," Aphmau said they started walking through the woods trying to find Raven's cave when they finally found it Raven was outside it sitting down when he spotted Aphmau and the others he stood up and started talking to Aphmau

"Who are these's girls?! Why have you brought them to my cave?!" Raven asked her Hanna, and Bree stood there looking a bit confused while Lizzie looked offended

"Hey Shorty how about instead of talking about us like we're not here you ask us?!" She said to Raven Hanna looked at Bree

"You can understand him?" She asked Lizzie

"Yeah can't you?" Lizzie said

"Oh my gosh that's right!! You can talk to animals! Wyrvens are animals.. I think so it makes sense! Probably.." Hanna said Raven looked at Lizzie

"Even if you can understand me you have no idea about Wyrvens! You are a danger.." Raven said

"Well excuse me for coming to ask for a bit of help to save a friend!" Lizzie said

"I care not of the matters of humans," Raven said walking towards the cave

"Really? Because it's Garroth and from what I've heard you and him are pretty close," Lizzie said Raven stopped and turned around looking her in the eyes

"Garroth? How can I help?" He asked after about thirty minutes they had made a plan one of the Wyrvens would carry a letter to Bright Port but before going to Bright Port he would go to O'khasis and check for Garroth once he was sure Garroth was there he'd return to Phoenix Drop and pick up the letter to deliver to Lord Burt after a few days the Wyrven returned with news

"Is he in O'khasis?" Aphmau asked the Wyrven looked at her

"Yes.. I'll go deliver the letter to Lord Burt," He said as he flew off Hanna looked at Bree then Aphmau

"I guess now we wait again.." Hanna said

~Meanwhile with Garroth~

Garroth sat on his old bed in his old room trying to figure a way out when his father came in

"Garroth I'm sorry it came to this.. You could have avoided it all if you just came with Zane the first time he asked.." He said Garroth walked up to him and glared at him

"I will not go through with this wedding! And I refuse to be lord when the time comes!" Garroth told him

"You will get married and you will be Lord when the time comes!" His Father said as he closed the door and locked it Garroth slammed against it then gave up

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