My current obsession is reading fanfiction, more specifically, Kol Mikaelson Fanfiction. During my internet quest to find interesting fanfictions about the character, I have come across several things that severely irritate me. This rant book will be a simple description of some of those things. If you choose to read on, know that I live in England and am a complete night owl so updates may occur at strange times of the day/night.
Thanks for reading this, if you've actually bothered to ...
Bye for now bitches, in Castiel we trust.

The Kol Mikaelson Fanfiction Rant Book
FanfictionThis is just a small rant book about a couple of annoying things that I have noticed continuously crop up in the internets relatively small range of Kol Mikaelson Fanfictions. I regularly swear in this so beware, ye hath been forewarned. When I talk...