The first of many tiny things to piss me off in Kol Fanfictions, is how he will see some random girl (normally at a bar - it's his natural habitat) and all of a sudden be like " She's mine. No one can have her. I must make her mine, now " etc. Kol Mikaelson is a badass psycho ORIGINAL VAMPIRE with murderous tendencies and a highly dysfunctional familial relationship. We all know this. Nowhere has it been shown that he suddenly has urges to 'make a girl his' romantically. What he would do however, is either straight up kill them or screw them first ... and then kill them. These cases of spontaneous possessiveness really piss me off because it's just not in his bloody character to do that! The only girl I can think of that would illicit anywhere near this degree of possessiveness is Rebekah - and that would only be protectiveness because she's his baby sis.
I have lost count of the number of books that have started like this. Most of the time there'll be a young, probably 17yr old, girl. She'll walk into a bar, 98% of the time it's the Mystic Grill because apparently Mystic Falls suffers from a severe lack of good places to get either absolutely shitfaced on Bourbon (basically the only alcohol available in Virginia, apart from the occasional bottle/shot of Tequila according to TVD) or meet your friends to discuss anything, like ANYTHING. She'll walk up to the bar and order a drink, probably non alcoholic, because the majority of 17yr olds in Mystic Falls act like good little teenagers in public, plus there's that pesky little law that means she can't be served alcohol because she's under 21 (you only have to be 18 in the UK, haha).He'll look over at her, they'll either make eye contact and she'll get all tingly, or she'll be oblivious to Kol devouring her with his eyes. It's normally at this point in the story that Kol will say something along the lines of "It was then that I knew I had to make her mine" or " I couldn't tear my eyes away from her, I need to make her mine." blah blah blah. This is normally just the beginning of several instances where Kol will stake his claim on the unknown teenager girl in the book.
That's the end of the first part, for future reference when I talk about Kol I mean the original version of him in TVD when he was played by Nathaniel Buzolic.
Bye for now bitches, in Castiel we trust.

The Kol Mikaelson Fanfiction Rant Book
Fiksi PenggemarThis is just a small rant book about a couple of annoying things that I have noticed continuously crop up in the internets relatively small range of Kol Mikaelson Fanfictions. I regularly swear in this so beware, ye hath been forewarned. When I talk...