Chapter Ten

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Oli's POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about that boy. Everything about him seemed so perfect. His blue eyes were otherworldly, his golden skin seemed to glow, his full rosy lips revealed a set of pearly white teeth when he smiled. His accent was also a turn on. He obviously had a good music taste, if his shirt was any indication; Thousand Foot Krutch was one of my favourite bands. Every time I closed my eyes I saw his face: I just couldn't get him out of my head. What was wrong with me I don't even know his name.

I stood outside Emilio's house for a few minutes before I heaved opened the hefty wooden door and called out that I was home. Mrs De Luca called back that she was in the kitchen so I kicked off my shoes and went in to see her. I heard the shower running as I passed by the staircase and figured Emilio must be in there. I sat down on one of stools at the breakfast bar and began chatting with Mrs De Luca as she prepared dinner. Mrs De Luca was a petite woman of 5'3. She had olive skin, caramel brown hair and the same sticky toffee eyes as her son. Her aged face was beautiful, and she had laugh lines around her eyes since she always had a smile on her face.

"Ciao, Oli. Come stai?" Mrs De Luca asked, her Italian accent prominent as she spoke, just as her husband's was when he spoke. Mr De Luca worked until late most days, but he'd be joining us for dinner tonight. Mrs De Luca was preparing her husband's favourite Italian dish; Fettuccine Carbonara with Calamari and Bolognese Stuffed Bell Peppers. Italians sure loved their food.

"Hi, Mrs De Luca. I'm good, grazie." I smiled, thinking hard about how to ask her how her day had been, in Italian, "Um, Com- Com'è stata... la tua giornata?"

"Well done!" Mrs De Luca praised, nodding approvingly. I'd been trying to learn a few phrases in Italian recently, "My day's been okay, sweetie. Although, Emi came home upset. Did something happen?" She asked, turning to look at me, continuing to stir something in a saucepan. It looked like the Bolognese.

"No, I don't think so. He was fine when I left." I lied hesitantly, the words feeling dirty in my mouth. I shrugged, "Maybe he's just tired."

"Oh... I guess." A sadness took over Mrs De Luca's eyes. I stood up from the stool and shocked Mrs De Luca by hugging her tightly. She knew I wasn't really a hugger, so her arms rested around me slowly and gently. Mrs De Luca had always been like a mother to me - even before I'd lost my real mum - and had made me feel welcome in her home. I'd always been grateful for that, especially now when I needed her more than ever.

"He'll be okay." I assured her. She tightened her arms around me, her breath catching in her throat as she chocked back tears.

"He loves you so much, Oli. We all do. I hope everything turns out okay. I'm sure your mum will let you move back in soon, she's always been so loving and understanding." Mrs De Luca tried to reassure me, but I knew she was wrong on this one. I hadn't told her the full story of why Rachel kicked me out, she thinks we'd had an argument that had got out of hand. Leo's mum doesn't know I'm gay. I'm sure she wouldn't mind, I just don't feel comfortable telling her after the way my mum reacted to it. After all, I had thought my mum wouldn't mind and look how that turned out. I sighed internally.

"Thank you," I whispered. "Thank you for letting me stay here for a while."

"You don't have to thank me, sweetheart. We're more than happy for you to stay here; you're family." She smiled, hugging me again.

I heard the bathroom door open upstairs, then I heard Leo's bedroom door close. I remained in Mrs De Luca's arms for a few moments longer, glad to feel some human affection that wasn't based on lust, before I thanked Mrs De Luca again, going up the stairs and into Leo's room. I shut his door quietly behind me and turned to face Leo. He had dropped his towel and was standing in only his boxers, combing his wet hair in front of the mirror. Leo saw me in the mirror and gasped, turning to face me. I smiled at him, whistling approvingly at the bulge in his boxers. He flushed red and threw the comb at my head, then hurriedly pulled on a pair of pajama bottoms, remaining shirtless.

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