Chapter Sixteen

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Silas' POV:

"Silas." I heard a voice and felt myself being shaken awake. I grunted out a few inhuman noises that roughly translated to "Go away."

"Silas, wake up," I opened one eye and saw my brother had rolled over to face me. The other side of him, my new stepbrother Oli lay fast asleep.

"What?" I demanded groggily, burying my face in the pillow. I risked a glance at the alarm clock; it was 3:46.

"I want to do stuff." Vince whined, giving me the puppy dog eyes he knew I couldn't resist. However, at three in the morning, I could resist puppy dog eyes, kitten eyes, and baby panda eyes combined.

"It's too early to do stuff." I grumbled, squeezing my eyes shut. Maybe if I ignore him he'll go away.

"Silas, get my heroin." He commanded.

"You don't do heroin." I yawned.

"Well... Get me my cocaine."

"Vincent, you don't do cocaine either." I reminded him.

"What about weed?" He asked.

"You don't do weed either. Or smoke it, whatever." I grumbled, trying to fight off my amusement. How many drinks had this boy had?

"Oh... What do I do?" He asked, confused. It was the most adorable thing.

"You don't do drugs, Vincent." I told him, opening my eyes partially.

"Oh... My life sounds pretty boring." He stated thoughtfully.

"It is. Now go to sleep." I grumbled. I was not a morning person.

"Okay." He agreed sadly. He closed his eyes and, once I thought he was asleep, I closed my own eyes.

"Silas?" I heard Vince ask after a few minutes.


"If you murder me, can you do it some way cool? Like throw me off a bridge or chop me up and eat me?" He asked, deadly serious.

I rolled my eyes, fighting back a grin, "I'm not a cannibal, Vincent."

"But you're a carnivore, which is close." He smiled sleepily at his logic.

"No, Vince, humans are omnivores." I muttered sleepily.

"Oh..." Vincent said. He closed his eyes and, after a few minutes, I heard him snoring lightly. Finally, he was asleep. I closed my eyes and rolled over, laughing quietly to myself as I slipped back into slumber.


Five hours later, I opened my eyes to find my brothers were no longer in the bed with me. I sat up, looking around as I stretched and yawned. I found Vincent and Oli sitting together on the floor, leaning against the foot of the bed, talking quietly to each other as they watched TV. They heard me stir and looked over their shoulders at me.

"Good morning, princess." Vince mocked, rubbing the side of his head, something he always did when he had a headache.

"Morning, Silas." Oli smiled brightly, waving. I waved back at both of them, rubbing my eyes with my other hand.

"What ya watchin'?" I asked groggily, crawling towards the end of the bed. I slipped off it and sat between Vince and Oli, resting my head on Vince's broad shoulder.

"I'm not sure..." Oli answered, confused. I turned to smile at Oli, noticing he was still shirtless.

My eyes grazed over his bare chest. I felt something stir in my stomach as I discretely looked him over, the tingly sensation spreading rapidly towards my lower region. Oli was small, but a few inches taller than I was, with an awe-worthy physique despite his distinct lack of muscles. He was on the scrawny side but I could tell he was deceivingly strong. I heard Vince clear his throat behind me and I quickly averted my eyes, embarrassed to be caught staring. Luckily, Oli didn't notice.

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